“I got a bad feeling about this one.”
“When was the last time you felt good about anything?” This is the exact same feeling I got after I witnessed this horrific film. The film Saving Private Ryan is based on a rescue mission to find Private Ryan after all of his brothers were killed in action. Directed by Steven Spielberg, and starring starts such as Tom Hanks and Matt Damon, the film is notable for its accurate re-enactments of WW2 battles. Various awards and an incredibly relatable setting to those in WW2 puts you in the first-person truth. Linking us to the horror of war. Awarded for such things such as Best Motion picture, you wouldn’t believe how good this film is.
Following the Normandy landings a group of US troops go behind enemy
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The film ‘starts’ with a flashback to D-Day in WW2 where Cpt, Miller and his comrades are fighting ashore to secure a beachhead. Whilst this occurs the United States Army Chief, orders to find Private Ryan and to give him a ‘ticket’ home. He does this in order to give Private Ryan Mother some closure as all of her 3 sons had been killed in action. So the orders goes out, Cpt Ryan collects 8 people from 2nd Battalion and goes out to find Private Ryan. This causes the movie to become more heartfelt and keeps you on the edge of your seat.
At the centre of a story is a Private Ryan, being saved by Cpt Tom Miller. Saving Private Ryan The character Matt Damon is drawn as Private Ryan. Private James Ryan seems to be distraught about his brothers but seems to stay with the ‘only brothers he has left’. Ryan stays and fights the last battles with his comrades. From these actions we
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The disregard for human life being shown through the D-Day scene as people shoot and kill each other. Through the portrayal of the lives in the 2nd Battalion and Captain Miller the film reminds us how ghastly and how horrifying war actually was. Shows how dehumanising war was. It shows us how war doesn't care about anything. War is discriminant. It doesn’t care who you are, your characteristics, your past, your purpose, war will discriminate you some way. In ways that humans cannot. This is simply eye-opening. Saving Private Ryan is a compelling drama which is based around the events that occurred in the Mission. This mission was to find Private Ryan and to send him home. This is a film that challenges us to second guess ourselves in order to have a different perspective on war. It challenges us to believe the impossible, and to challenge the possible. To challenge what we believe what may seem to be the most simplest of tasks, but when put into our hands… Life can ‘stuff’ you
This new perspective makes them realize how lucky they were not to be mortally wounded. Another cause of change in the men besides the battles, results from seeing friends in the hospital. The first display of this sorrow is Kemmerich’s death. He was a good friend to all the men, especially Paul. When the men see him lying in his bed about to die, they feel terrible. Because they feel this way, they tell Kemmerich that he is going to be okay. The hospital scene with Kemmerich dying is meaningful and touching to the readers, because it too shows a change in the men. This change shows the hate and anguish of the battlegrounds, contrasted with compassion towards a close friend who is in need. This scene also lets the reader know how many people received injuries each day. When Paul goes to tell the doctor that Kemmerich The doctors response was that he had already amputated five legs that same day. The reader sees why when one person dies, it really does not mean anything to the doctors, except a free bed. This scene, plus the others which take place in the hospital, shows change in the way that men pull together when someone is in need. The hospital scenes also show that men are so accustomed to death, they know when someone is going to die, and can tell the degree of an injury when it happens. There is a major change in the men in this novel. At first, they are excited to join the army in order to help their country. After they see the truth about war, they learn very important assets of life such as death, destruction, and suffering. These emotions are learned in places like training camp, battles, and deal with death, which is very important to one’s life. & nbsp;
This event was significant because it reminded the men of what they were fighting for, personally and as a whole. It would be all too easy to give in, but reminders such as these kept the men alive.
the people fighting for their lives from the many hardships they face. Also, it shows that there is
James Francis Ryan is a World War II veteran and everyday he thinks about what happened during the war. The biggest problem he faces is stress from World War II. World War II was a very tragic event at that time and many veterans developed various mental illness. From the movie, it shows that James Francis Ryan was no exception in facing problems because of the war. He wants to make sure that he lived a good life and was a good person because of the words from his comrade, Captain John H. Miller. James Ryan wants to live up John Miller’s expectation because he went through so many battles and losses in order to ensure that James Ryan returns back home to his mother. This issue that been inside of him for many years and even though he’s now a grandfather he still recollects the events that has happened. Constantly living up to an expectation can be hard, but he has a very supportive family to back him up, especially his wife. At the end of Saving Private Ryan he told his wife, “Tell me I lived a good life, and tell me I am a good person.” He told his wife this in front of John H. Miller’s grave to confirm to himself and John H. Miller that he tried his best to live up to his words. Judging based on how supportive the family seems it is pretty clear ...
...rian thought, although if it was looked upon as Sgt. Miller did it the movie, the thought could also defend it. It could be argued that the number of men lost during battle was to save 10 or 20 times as many. In war, our armed forces also defend Deontology because it is a foundational duty and character is displayed through actions. The morality of our actions is based upon whether that action itself is right or wrong, rather than centered on the consequences of the actions. The movie carries the thought that American should lead morally standing, socially respectable lives to earn the freedom that our soldiers in battle have paid for with their lives. Hence the veteran at the gravesite in the beginning of the movie is Private James Ryan. He speaks to the grave of Captain John Miller saying he has fervently tried to “earn” his rescue by the captain and his men.
My Review of Full Metal Jacket In Stanley Kubrick’s film Full Metal Jacket, the emphasis is spotlighted on the carnage of boot camp and the soldier’s life in Vietnam. The life of a soldier is not an easy one, as it requires great diligence and much sacrifice to ensure the safety and freedom to all those who are afraid and those who seek it. Stanley Kubrick makes sure that we see the harshness and ugliness of the Vietnam War as it was made to be seen. The movie starts with the life of boot camp, getting marines ready to be sent and fight over in Vietnam. The relationship between Private Joker and Private Pyle appears when the Drill Sergeant Hartman makes Private Joker the squad leader. Private Joker, is to make certain that Gomer Pyle cleans his act up and bring an end to the burdens that Pyle has put on the whole squad. Although Private Joker is trying his best to clean up the Private Pyle’s mess, he has met his match, and ultimately sees Pyle as a problem. During the scene where everyone in the squad prepares to beat Pyle with bars of soap wrapped in towels it shows that Private Joker is somewhat hesitant at first, but eventually hits Private Pyle multiple times with heavy blows. Analyzing the relationship between the two privates can be said that Private Joker was trying to help Private Pyle as much as he could, until Private Pyle suddenly breaks and it is made clear when Private Pyle is talking to himself while he is cleaning his rifle. Yes boot camp can be living hell for those who are psychologically unfit and not able to cope during times of great stress, and this can often make certain people “snap”. Stanley Kubrick does a fine job focusing on the stresses of boot camp, especially as this is a time of war and thousands of ...
There is a scene in this movie where the coach takes the team on a long run in the middle of the night. They end up at the break of dawn at a cemetery. The coach tells the young men of the battle that was fought on that ground. He told of the blood shed on those grounds that turned the whole area red. This can help many people that want to make a difference in this world.
The themes of the film are timeless, but the historical period in which the film takes place is also very significant. As the movie begins, the family?s youngest son has just recently returned from World War II. As the movie progresses, parallels are made between the Corleone family and the rest of the world. The war between the rival families is much like the conflicts between nations during World War II. After Don Corleone is shot in the streets, it?s a wake up cal...
Director Steven Spielberg and auther Markus Zusak, in their intriguing production, movie Saving Private Ryan and book The Book Thief, both taking place during World War II. However , in Saving Private Ryan Spielberg focus on a lot of complications that occur during war , but guilt was one difficulty that stood out to me. Zusak, on the other hand , showas that having courage during war can be a advantage and also an disadvantage depending on the situation. Both director and author grabed the audience attention with emotional and logical appeal.
The reason I believe there are no differences between the film and text is simply that the director Franklin J. Schaffner was trying to relay a story of General George S. Patton which it had done properly in a way that was true to the actual event. Due to this, however, the movie wasn’t able to make really any changes that were significant enough and noticeable, and that would’ve have deviated from the truth and the main purpose of the film itself because they are trying to allow you to gain an insight into how George Patton really was and the achievements he had acquired throughout his lifetime. Had director Franklin J. Schaffner created some differences and bend some of the truth for entertainment he would not have created the movie he wanted to make because it would be something he didn’t care about. The overall purpose was to relay the events that had happened in Patton's life. To conclude the film further enhanced my knowledge on D-day and about who really saved the Americans it was all thanks to George Patton and without him, we would have lost hundreds of
The film tells the story of a deranged United States Air Force general who orders a first strike nuclear attack on the Soviet Union. United States Air Force Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper who was the commander of Burpelson Air Force Base, launches a planed nuclear attack on the Soviet Union via his nuclear-armed B-52 fighter jets, which were holding at their fail-safe points, to move into Soviet airspace, based upon a twisted paranoia that the communist party was contaminating “our precious bodily fluids”. The movie follows the course of events proceeding General Jack D. Ripper’s ordered attack.
...these people had was heart-shattering. Children in some cases were alone and did not know what to do without their family. Dying to save the lives of others could have been the best thing you would have done for yourself and these people; someone could of been in this situation and would of been that wonderful hero.
The bombing of a pub is what we are first presented to in the beginning of this movie. At the same time, we are introduced to a woman in a car listening to a cassette recording of Gerry Conlon talking about his younger years. At this time, he is a political prisoner. While he is talking we are being taken back to his younger years. Gerry used to steal lead sheets from the rooftop of row houses and sell them. While he is holding a pipe, he is mistaken by British soldiers for holding a rifle. A lot happens and he ends up starting a riot.
The movie started with a night-time scene where we saw a hysterical Jesus, afraid of his life, roaming around in the woods. His apostles couldn't understand what was wrong with him. A figure of Satan was tempting Jesus not to go through with it, while at the same time an army of Roman Soldiers was marching towards the woods to capture him. The film is filled with suspense from start to finish, leaving you not wanting to miss a second.... ... middle of paper ...