What Makes A City Park Work

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website information / data https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2017/03/01/what-makes-good-public-park What makes a city park work?

1. A park should be “nearby” for everyone. Public open space, such as a square or “commons” should be at the center of a neighborhood; no more than five minutes’ walk from most residents. Public buildings, shops (a corner store at minimum) and a transit stop should be near the center too.
2. A public park should look and feel truly public and not be fenced off.
3. Parks should be simple and not over designed. Trees, grass, some walkways and a bench: these are the basics of my ideal park.
4. it should also have enough of the “basics” to satisfy the needs of a broad range of users.
5. A park should retain or …show more content…

A good park should allow you to both see and walk through it with clear paths.


An overview of elements, issues and obstacles that play experts and others have defined as central to developing a successful play area. PHYSICAL
Flexibility: Design decisions should allow for diverse activity, including games, and with natural elements Variety: Provide a variety of spaces, seats, bushes, plantings,equipment, and pathways. More variety will also attract a wider age range. Experts have noted the importance of including natural elements such as water, trees (including trees to provide shade), bushes and grass.
Accessibility: A play place should be easy to reach, either by foot or public transportation. SOCIAL
Wide Range of Ages: Many areas, especially playgrounds, are for a narrow age range, constricting the parks usage. Offering features with more diverse activities attracts a wide age range.
Up to date equipment: keeping equipment and features up to date will encourage more people to visit the park

ARTICLE - Opportunity or Orientation? Who Uses Urban Parks and Why’ by Brenda B. Lin , Richard A. Fuller, Robert Bush, Kevin J. Gaston, Danielle F. Shanahan

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