What It Means To Be A Great Athlete Essay

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What It Means to Be A Great Athlete Athletes are the guys and girls that run up and down the court to score a basket. They are the guys that carry the football down the field to score a touchdown. They are the girls that spike the volleyball for a game-winning point. A great athlete plays to bring home the win for the school during the playoff. They are supposed to play rough during the football game. Most importantly they are supposed to play with sportsmanship and integrity. Being an athlete isn't about being rude to another player when they fall down, strikeout, or miss the game-winning field goal. They are supposed to play by the rules and play fair. When a player falls down they are supposed to lend a hand and help the opponent up when he gets knocked down. If a player gets hurt during the game an athlete should pay respect and take a knee until the opponent is carried off. …show more content…

That means portraying Christ-like attributes on and off the field. Such as going to bible studies, helping others that need help, and sharing Christ with your opponents on and also off the field. Off the field, the community doesn’t want to see their star quarterback out with bad influences or making a fool of himself. They want to see an example of Christ living in him. The bible says, “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (MacArthur Study Bible, 1 Cor. 10:31). A great athlete helps his team improve during practice and games. If an athlete sees one of his teammates giving up because he can’t make the field goal that's when he needs to step in to encourage him. He encourages his opponent when he misses the layup. He cheers on his teammates when he is running the ball. “But those hope in the Lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow, they will walk and not be faint.(MacArthur Study Bible, Is.

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