What Is White Privilege In The Workplace

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Peer review This research paper will explore the effect of white privilege on Campus and among the writer's student at California state university, Chico. First I will discuss the stereotypes from the American background.In this history of the united states, white people make up the majority of the nation’s politicians, military leaders, and corporate executive while minority group has a smaller presence also white people higher than the blacks. stereotypes to which they have been exposed become the foundation for the adult prejudices. Second, I will discuss the white privilege, because of white people higher than the blacks, White people have white privilege, and white privilege has provided people with the opportunity to seek admission …show more content…

To broaden my analysis, I will use Eric Liu’s ‘’ Note of native speaker’’ to explore that America is white no longer and it will never be white again. This research paper will focus on the Discrimination in the workplace. So workplace discrimination occurs when an individual is unfavorably discriminated against because of one or more factors.First I will analyze what is workplace discrimination, Workplace discrimination is forbidden by law such as characteristic related to gender, race, sexual orientation, age, religion and in the employment decision. these perceptions affect relationships with other coworkers and supervisors. Second I will discuss types of workplace discrimination. As with discrimination, there are different types of harassment, including unwelcome behavior by a co-worker, manager, client, or anyone else in the workplace, that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), nationality, age (40 or older), disability, or genetic information. Third, I will discuss some laws against discrimination regarding the status of gender, marital, pregnancy, disability, race, color, ethnic background, nationality, religion, and beliefs.

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