What Is The Theme Of The Movie Inside Out

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Emotions only last for a few seconds. The general emotions you can feel are joy, sadness, disgust, anger, fear, and surprise. In Inside Out (2015) is an example of the process of the individual’s emotions that take place in their everyday life. The film, does not have the emotion surprise but it gives a great interpretation of every other general emotion. It goes through a deep analysis of how your emotions and your “islands” grow just as your body does. The film, directed and co-written by Pete Docter and Ronnie Del Carmen shows the message that it is okay to feel more than one emotion at a time. The film shows how an individual can have so many different memories that as they get older they can be let go. As a child Inside Out is just a fun film to watch, as an adult it really makes an individual think more about the emotions the person is feeling. Inside Out is based in the mind of a girl named Riley who for most of the movie is eleven years old. She is uprooted out of her life in Minnesota to move to San Francisco. This is a common situation that happens to most children. On Riley’s first day at school she has a complete breakdown and this causes Joy and Sadness to have a disagreement. They end up being taking away and this is when the plot thickens. Two very …show more content…

When someone allows their emotions to build up they soon realize emotions do explode and can cause chaos in someone’s everyday life. Joy attempted to be the primary emotion in Riley’s life. Riley cannot always be joyful events will happen in her life where she will need to express other emotions. Riley’s mother and father realize they have to give Riley enough space to be sad about the move. Riley has the lesson that running away from her emotions. Riley must build up courage to be honest and open about her feelings. All the emotions and especially Joy learn that all of them have a special place in Riley’s everyday

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