Title of Text: Shawshank Redemption Director: Frank Darabont Genre: Drama/Thriller Scene: Rooftop Frank Darabont directs the film ‘Shawshank Redemption’. The film goes through the journey and barriers you must overcome throughout time in prison. The scene starts in the spring 1949 as Andy and his prison mates are tarring the roof, two years after Andy had arrived at Shawshank. Andy offers a proposition to the guard Hadley in order for Hadley to keep all of his money without having to give any away to the tax collectors. Andy only required three cold beers apiece for each of his prison mates as payment The scene opens with a close up of the tar bucket, this then pans upwards to show the men workingIt starts as all the prisoners are staring down at the ground …show more content…
By the colours being much lighter than inside the prison, this gave it gave them all a feeling of freedom, as if they were working outside the prison walls and not in confinement. For a while, it is almost as if the guards and prisoners are equal for a moment as they both have the same high-key lighting. The natural outside light also made the mood a lot happier and introduced a feeling of hope and freedom that was not there before. The use of narration throughout the film helps to tell the story, the narrator in this film was voiced by Ellis Boyd (Reds character), who made this technique very effective by drawing the audience in by talking to them directly. Some examples of Reds narration during the rooftop scene are: “On the second to last day of the job, the convict crew that tarred the factory roof in the spring of 49, wound up sitting in a row at 9 o’clock in the morning, drinking bohemia style beer, curtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked the turn at Shawshank.” “We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free
Writing 2 Aidyn Ogilvy: Writing Portfolio I am going to write about a scene from the movie The Shawshank Redemption. I will be using figurative language to put the audience in the shoes of the main lead character Andy Dufrense. My audience will be people who like Stephen King. The scene will be when he escapes the prison. The lights have been turned out.
We were the lords of all creation. As for andy he spent that break hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer." This quote shows how little things teh prisoners get can make them happy.Another example would be when he used the hammer to escape from prison. It started when he asked Red to get him a rok hammer, which he said he would use to shape rocks. He calms Red's conscious as he tells it would take him a thousand years to break out of prison with a rosk hammer.When he received the rosk hammer he started to shape rocks as soon as he could and hidden that hole with a poster.After he had the hole big enough to crawl throught, he asked Heywood for a six-foot piece of rope.
Hope is a huge recurring theme in both of these movies, most of which happened in a similar manner. Andy Dufresne, during his 28 years at Shawshank prison,
The creators of this movie used several effective, and often subtle, methods to illustrate the hope found in Andy and his surroundings. Andy was always portrayed as a clean-cut and well-groomed prisoner with his shirt always buttoned and his hair always combed. This self-respect was in great contrast to the other prisoners who were portrayed as dirty, stereotypical prisoners. The common prisoners also had vocabularies and grammar that were far inferior to Andy’s. The distinctions between Andy and the common prisoners showed that Andy was different, those differences were that he had hope.
The new prisoners stand linked together with chains, scared to death, in front of the Warden. He says, " I believe in two things, discipline and the Bible. Here you"ll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord, your ass belongs to me. " That was the kind of attitude Andy would have to live with from now on, and this was just the beginning.
The strikingly accurate portrayal of the life of an African American family in the 1950’s did a great job of keeping the interest up. The director’s mise-en-scene gave the film a believability that is rarely achieved. They did this through the well staged apartment that the film takes place in for the majority of the screen time. The cramped and cluttered home sets the stage for the actors in the film to truly live into their characters. The actors did a brilliant job of portraying the wide breadth of emotions in this film. Their engaging personalities kept the film alive and vibrant the
Within the film, prison culture illustrates the subculture within Shawshank State Prison. Prison culture and the Inmate Code dictate the typical rules and values that have emerged in prisons (Clear, 2006). The aggression of both prison guards and inmates, as well as the punishments and sanctions imposed for deviant behavior highlight the prison subculture. Throughout the film, the inmates showcase certain distinctive markers of the subculture that set the group apart from the dominant culture because they use cigarettes as currency, engage in violence, establish specific roles and identity, and share similar goals and values, such as
Many prisoners throughout New Zealand come out of prison worse than they were to start with. This is due to prisoners becoming too familiar with this prison lifestyle and becoming institutionalized. The film Shawshank Redemption directed by Frank Darabont is a film about prisoners struggles and perils as they try to remain sane in prison. Darabont uses visual features such as symbols all throughout the film. Darabont uses the prison walls as a symbol of evil.
The Shawshank Redemption is a 1997 drama film which takes place in a prison during the late 40’s. The film focuses on Andy Dufresne’s transition from his old life as banker to becoming a prisoner in the Shawshank penitentiary. The life shown in the Shawshank penitentiary is similar to that of normal society such as norms, economic transactions, and functions both prisoners and the officials. The roles the prisoners and officials take shows that Functionalism does not only take place in a normal functioning society, it also takes place in a total institution such as the prison shown in the film.
One morning when the guards are checking the cells, they discover that Andy is not in his cell. The warden throws rocks out of anger and throws one at the poster of a female Andy had taped on his cell wall. The rock goes straight through once they take down the poster, they see a hole in the wall. Andy had been digging this hole for twenty long years and used it to escape the prison. In the film, there is a scene of Andy in which he stands in the rain with his hands in the air as a free man. He takes in the rain on the other side of the prison and we see the happiness he feels knowing his plan worked. This scene shows us the success and accomplishment he feels knowing that due to his hard work over the years, he is now a free man. Once Andy escapes, he goes to Zihuatanejo, Mexico to start a new life, like he had told Red earlier on in the film. Once Red is granted parole, he is sent to the same hotel as Brooks and works at the same grocery store as well. The difference between Brooks and Red is that Red has a reason to keep going once he is out of the prison. He states “Only one thing stops me. A promise I made to Andy.” (). As he sits in his hotel room. This shows that Andy left a lasting impression on Red and also instilled hope in him to not give up like Brooks had. In the prison, Red was a man who had nothing to look forward to and gave up on ever getting parole but after being exposed to Andy and his beliefs, Red changed his thinking. When Red goes to finally meet Andy in Mexico, he says “I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams … I hope. “ (). This shows that someone who had said that hope is a dangerous thing now hopes for so many things, all because of Andy and his
The correctional system is based on helping offenders become part of society and not commit any crimes. Many prisons begin the correcting criminals since they are inside the jails, but many prisons do not. Prisons provide prisoners with jobs inside the prison where they get very little pay close to nothing and many have programs that will help them advance their education or get their high school diploma. There are various programs prisons provide to prisoners to help them get a job or have a skill when they are released from prison. In contrast, prisons that do not provide programs or help to prisoners rehabilitate and enter society again will be more likely to commit another crime and go back to jail. The Shawshank Redemption prison did not
The film stars Tim Robbins as Andrew 'Andy' Dufresne and Morgan Freeman as Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding. The film portrays Andy spending nearly two decades in Shawshank State Prison, a surreal house of correction in Maine and his friendship with Red, a fellow inmate, which gradually develops over the years. Consequently the three reasons that the director wanted to produce this movie are to reveal hope, despair and integrity. Red describes the reasons eloquently: “All I know for sure is that Andy Dufresne wasn’t much like me or anyone else I ever knew. . . . It was a kind of inner light he carried around with him.”
To be institutionalized means to gradually become unable to think and act independently due to having lived for a long time under the rules of an institution. An example of this would be a veteran in the military, unable to adopt a civilian lifestyle after spending so much time service. In the case of Brookes Hatlen, he had been “institutionalized” in that he had been in prison so long that the only life they he knew was the one within the prison walls. Having served as the prison librarian for over fifty years, Brooks has no idea how to live in the outside world when he is released. The world had changed rapidly and entirely in the time Brookes was in prison, and he has no role to fill in it. In the prison he had been secure; he had a job
To begin, the colors used provide visual indication to inform viewers of the objective of the director and cinematographer (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2011). Throughout the majority of the film, very natural colors are used. Van Sant’s use of warm tawny tones is a creative way to create a sense of humanity and forms a strong feeling of understanding for Will. Whenever Will is in a situation he feels secure and relaxed, the hues are very affectionate and welcoming. For example, when he is in Skylar’s (Minnie Driver) room at Harvard, in Sean’s (Robin Williams) office, or in his own residence, the prev...
addresses the process of adaptation used when converting a literary hypotext to the film medium; The Shawshank Redemption (Darabont, Frank) is the film adaptation of Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption (King, Stephen). The story follows characters Red and Andy who serve life sentences in Shawshank Prison. Over many years a strong bond develops, and Andy, wrongly convicted, inspires many at the prison. After Andy escapes, Red decides to follow him upon being granted parole. The story privileges themes of hope, freedom, institutionalisation, friendship, time, and brutality. The film is similar to the novella, however, some aspects differ from the hypotext. Within the novella, Brooks is a minor character, Tommy Williams doesn’t die, and Warden Norton merely retires. Through altering the story, the film modifies the essence of Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption for film audiences and utilises film language to convey meaning. By adding certain scenes, the text takes on stronger themes of hope, institutionalisation and brutality. This draws attention to the themes within the hypotext and thus enhances the parallels between texts.