The Shawshank Redemption is a 1997 drama film which takes place in a prison during the late 40’s. The film focuses on Andy Dufresne’s transition from his old life as banker to becoming a prisoner in the Shawshank penitentiary. The life shown in the Shawshank penitentiary is similar to that of normal society such as norms, economic transactions, and functions both prisoners and the officials. The roles the prisoners and officials take shows that Functionalism does not only take place in a normal functioning society, it also takes place in a total institution such as the prison shown in the film. Functionalism is a theory in which various social institutions and processes in society serve a significant function in order for society to continue …show more content…
There were roles within the roles of both inmates and officials. The roles presented can be as broad as taking the role of a prisoner, guard, and warden. The basic role of being a prisoner can be seen through the scene in which the new inmates are spending their first night in prison. It is seen through the character’s Fat Ass’s reaction to being taunted by the other inmates. While being taunted he takes his role as prisoner and breaks down from that with the taunting. His role as the prisoner continues as his cries and taunts from the other inmates bring the attention of the guards for being noisy. He is then reprimanded by the guards for causing noise with his crying. The prisoner is being disciplined by the guard, it is the case where the both the inmate and guard are assuming their roles in …show more content…
Brooks, adapted to the prison life and was able to be a fully functional individual within. While he was in charge of the prison library, he is already reliant on his prison life to the point where he panics about returning to regular society. Despite being the librarian of the prison, he took the role of being a prisoner as he has been there for years. When he does go on parole, he struggles with finding his role in society. He then begins to find trouble functioning in normal society as he functioned as a prisoner for years. He has a crisis with being able to function resulting in his own suicide as he was not able to function in society without going back to
The Shawshank Redemption is an inspiring story about Andy Dufreine and his efforts to maintain hope in horrible situations. The directors used many effective methods that displayed signs of hope in such a horrible place. Andy maintained hope by distracting his mind and always staying occupied. Andy was also inspired to survive by helping others find hope in life.
The movie Shawshank Redemption analyzing various aspects of prison life. These characteristics include prison culture specifically guard subculture and inmate subculture. The movie explores how prison is used as a punishment and can be seen as a form of machine. Argot roles, in prison as explained by Gresham Sykes, display the beliefs and attitudes of prisoners expressed in a rather distinctive manner (Lovell, 1998). They are exemplified through the inherit meanings generation by the prison environment and tied together through the prisoner social world. The language is a significant aspect of prison, and therefore it is essential to understanding the social worlds of prisoners. These argot roles represent a framework in which the social world can be further understood. There are several argot roles found in a prison. In specific, throughout the movie Shawshank Redemption, many of the characters are labelled and interpreted to be play such roles signifying how common these roles are in a prison.
Functionalism views society as the stability and assimilation of a range of forces that function within it. While society is a separate entity with a life of its own, there are individual elements contributing to that stability. Functionalism as a sociological theory emphasizes assimilation rather than the dissociation of society. Therefore, the society is seen as a whole that is compromised of parts which give one another their identity and their function. The part, whether that is education, such as a school, or sports, such as a football team, operates in relation to the other parts, and cannot be entirely understood in isolation from the other parts. All the parts are interrelated, and when there is a disturbance in any one of the parts, is when you can see the interdependence. But what is important about this theory is that “there will always be some reorganization and tendency to restore equilibrium” (Wallace and Wolf 17). Functionalist do not believe it’s crucial that the people involved in the society to be aware of this interconnectedness anymore than the brain and heart consciously realize that they work together as an organism.
Functionalism is basically a theory that describes the mental state of human beings through the combination of both behaviorism theory and the identity theory of the human mind. According to this theory, mental states of people are majorly identified or rather defined by what they frequently do and
Within the film, prison culture illustrates the subculture within Shawshank State Prison. Prison culture and the Inmate Code dictate the typical rules and values that have emerged in prisons (Clear, 2006). The aggression of both prison guards and inmates, as well as the punishments and sanctions imposed for deviant behavior highlight the prison subculture. Throughout the film, the inmates showcase certain distinctive markers of the subculture that set the group apart from the dominant culture because they use cigarettes as currency, engage in violence, establish specific roles and identity, and share similar goals and values, such as
The functionalist paradigm focuses on the integration of society, and how society how its own groups which has their own functions to help improve the peoples lives. Functionalist paradigm fits in the category of macro-sociology, because it focuses on the patterns that shape an entire society. Functionalists believe that society is maintained through the thought of trust and consensus on moral values for ideal behavior. Working together will result in a stable social environment that will create equality. Conflicts or dysfunctions will be view as a disease in the social system. Social conflict paradigm believes that society is divided into many groups that have their own goals, and that certain parts of the world have the luck of benefiting economic dominan...
addresses the process of adaptation used when converting a literary hypotext to the film medium; The Shawshank Redemption (Darabont, Frank) is the film adaptation of Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption (King, Stephen). The story follows characters Red and Andy who serve life sentences in Shawshank Prison. Over many years a strong bond develops, and Andy, wrongly convicted, inspires many at the prison. After Andy escapes, Red decides to follow him upon being granted parole. The story privileges themes of hope, freedom, institutionalisation, friendship, time, and brutality. The film is similar to the novella, however, some aspects differ from the hypotext. Within the novella, Brooks is a minor character, Tommy Williams doesn’t die, and Warden Norton merely retires. Through altering the story, the film modifies the essence of Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption for film audiences and utilises film language to convey meaning. By adding certain scenes, the text takes on stronger themes of hope, institutionalisation and brutality. This draws attention to the themes within the hypotext and thus enhances the parallels between texts.
In the media, prisons have always been depicted as a horrible place. The film, The Shawshank Redemption, is a prime example that supports the media 's suggestions about prison life. In the film we are familiarized with Andy Dufresne, who is a banker that is wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and her lover. While trying to both remain discreet and find his prison identity, he assists Ellis Boyd 'Red ' Redding, a peddler, and Brooks Hatlen. In his attempt to fit into the rough prison subculture, Andy strategically starts a business relationship with the captain Captain Bryon Hadley and Samuel Norton. The film gives an insider 's look at various aspects of prison life. These aspects include prison culture; explicitly, guard subculture and inmate subculture.
"The functionalist perspective is a sociological approach which emphasizes the way that parts of a society are structure to maintain its stability,"(Schaefer & Lamm, 1998). This perspective looks at a society in a positive manner and sees it as stable, with all the parts working together. Under the functionalist view every social aspect of a society contributes to the society's survival, and if not, the aspect is not passed to the next generation.
According to Ned Block, Functionalism is concerned with finding the answer to the question (“what are mental states?”), ("What are mental states?”) One of the features of the functionalism is that it sees each form of mental state as being a state which includes the tendency to behave in particular ways in addition to possessing particular mental states.
One of the major sociological perspectives is Functionalism. Functionalism is centered around the work of Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, and Robert Merton. Functionalism is described as a system of connected parts that are designed to achieve
There is very little variation from the prison routine. Basically from the time an inmate starts his term till the time his term ends there is hardly any variation from his routine. The prisoners can either work every day or refuse to work and be locked in their cells during working hours. Obviously most choose to work and not be locked in their cells. “‘I just seem to go through the motions every day. It doesn’t take much though to wake up when the bell rings, go to chow, when the bell rings, go to work when the bell rings, and go to your cell when the bell rings. There really isn’t much choice or alternatives; you either do or you don’t.’” (Jones, 90)
Structural Functionalism or what I call just functionalism, is just another theory that has society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. This approach looks at society through the macro-level of orientation, which is a broad focus on the social structures that shape society as a whole, and believes that society has evolved like organisms. This approach looks at both social structure and the social functions. Functionalism has society as a whole in terms of the function of its constituent elements; namely norms and customs, traditions, and institutions. There is a common analogy, popularized by Herbert Spencer that presents these parts of society as "organs" that works towards the proper functioning of the "body" as a whole. In the most basic terms, it simply emphasizes "the effort to impute and the rigorously as possible, to each feature, custom, or even practice the effect on the functioning of a supposedly stable and cohesive system.
phenomena in terms of the functions they perform. The society conceived in functionalism is a
One strength of functionalism is that it operates on the macro-level. So instead of placing the onus of responsibly for social problems on a single person, it considers the larger issues in society. The analogy of society as a human body also makes the theory easier to understand and apply. Considering a human body, high levels