What Is The Importance Of Being Humble

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When a veteran receives the Medal of Honor, it is a humbling sight to see. They do not boast about it, but proudly accept the award with gratitude. They do not question whether or not to be humble just as an average person should. If a person possesses the humble quality, they create a favorable impression for theirself. To be humble is a choice, but humbleness is a quality that should be strived for everyday because it creates an environment that constantly radiates positivity. Defining humble can be a difficult task. This is when most people turn to the dictionary. Oxford Dictionaries defines humble as, “Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance.” Humble is a word that most people can not wrap their head around without similar words incorporated. The most helpful words associated with humble are respectful, courteous, polite, and soft spoken, and with those …show more content…

Humble can be utilized in school, sports, and life outside those activities, so strive to be that humble student other classmates appreciate. Strive to be that teammate other players love competing with. Strive to be that citizen that other residents think fondly about. The world holds an abundance of humble people who display the quality in a variety of ways. Being humble holds the advantage of being a gateway. Humbleness creates a positive environment that influences other people to act or think in a similar manner. Think of a service dog. It may sound foolish, but they serve as perfect examples. Watch them. They spend their whole day comforting, assisting, guiding, and supporting a person in need. They do their job while receiving no recognition for their work. If they were able

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