PL/SQL and T-SQL are completely different programming languages and have different variable declaration , different syntax, different built in- functions and programming capabilities. The only thing in common is they are extensions of SQL and the execution and storage inside the database.
PL/SQL is a procedural language used for Oracle relational database where as T-SQL is a proprietary procedural language of used for Microsoft SQL server and Sybase.
PL/SQL stands for Procedure Language extension of SQL.
PL/SQL is extension to SQL which was originally developed by IBM for operations on relational databases. PL/SQL is a structured language which is used in manipulating the data with the help of commands like SELECT, INSERT, CREATE AND GRANT.
Much of PL/SQL syntax is borrowed from Ada.
Data Types:
Number types stores numeric data like integers, floating points ,real numbers and represent quantities to do calculations.
The BINARY_INTEGER data type is identical to PLS_INTEGER. BINARY_INTEGER subtypes can be considered as PLS_INTEGER subtypes BINARY_INTEGER Subtypes
A base type is the data type from which a subtype is derived. A subtype associates a base type with a constraint and so defines a subset of values
BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE Data types are basically used for high-speed scientific computation. Computations which involves special values that needs to checked for, rather than raising exceptions.
PL/SQL handles transaction control, temporary objects, extended and system stored procedures, conditional processing, exception and error handling and other SQL features.
Example 1:
Have coffee in Starbucks;
Have breakfast in college;
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...n T-SQL it is IDENTIY function.
2. In PL/SQL , stored procedures are ATOMIC . If any error occurs inside the stored procedures it rollbacks to the beginning. Whereas in T-SQL TRY CATCH block should be used because stored procedure won't rollback automatically.
• PL/SQL Datatypes. (n.d.). PL/SQL Datatypes. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from
• PL/SQL Tutorial. (n.d.). - PL/SQL programming made easy. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from
• PL/SQL. (n.d.). Oracle. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from
• T-SQL. (n.d.). What is ?. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from
As we can see in the above example, the iValue1 and 1.0 are the two operands and which are not of the same type. One is the integer and the other is a double precision floating point value. Therefore, the above expression is an example of mixed mode expression.
Internal schema at the internal level to describe physical storage structures and access paths, typically uses a physical data model.
The disease of bipolar itself is classified as Type I and Type II. Type I are those
SQL Server 2000 vs Oracle 9i. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from MSSQLCity.Com Web site:
nonbinary - relating to, using, or denoting a system of numerical notation that does not have 2 as a base (Webster Merriam Dictionary).
Primary and Secondary are the main categories of a psychopath but there are also four different subtypes to help further distinguish the different types of psychopaths there are in society. These subtypes are Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Sadistic Personality Disorder.
There are some basic characteristics that result from this definition and they are the following:
In Texas assisted living facilities are licensed as a Type A, Type B, or Type C .It is based on the residents ability to evacuate the facility or other types of services the facility provide.
In 1977, Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates founded System Development Laboratories. After being inspired by a research paper written in 1970 by an IBM researcher titled “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” they decided to build a new type of database called a relational database system. The original project on the relational database system was for the government (Central Intelligence Agency) and was dubbed ‘Oracle.’ They thought this would be appropriate because the meaning of Oracle is source of wisdom.
Over time the broader term of schizophrenia has also been further divided into five categories or subtypes which include: paranoid type, disorganized type, catatonic type, undifferentiated type, and residual type. These subtypes are delineated based on the persons presenting symptoms and the hope is to give a better understanding of the causes of the disorder itself (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).
------------------------------------------- Type 4 is described as kinky or tightly coiled and very fragile
DBA deals with all of this by finding user needs, set the database, and test the system. DBA should enable editing any system he or she created. At the same time DBA should ensure the security of the data and guarantee data integrity and backup. Moreover, DBAs should know the database management systems (DBMS) that include the knowledge of Oracle, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL server (“Database Administrator,” 2010). Oracle is one of the most important platforms that DBA must know and have experience with. According to Kanaracus “The database experience we look for most of the time is Oracle”, says Tom Hart, executive vice president of the operations and technology group at Veritude. “SQL Server is more of a nice-to-have"
[7] Elmasri & Navathe. Fundamentals of database systems, 4th edition. Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, CA. 2004.
Some faculties and departments are already using Oracle applications in their day-to-day operations. As time goes by, more and more information users will be working with an application based on Oracle database technology. If you get the opportunity to be a member of an application development team, you will become familiar with the workings of Oracle and relational databases. Other users may have to learn about this popular database management system through their own experience. This article is for our readers who, as of yet, have no access to Oracle databases but have a yearning for learning what they're all about.
The DBMS has a function that can be differentiate from the information retrieval system. The DBMS have the ability to store, update and retrieve the data. This is the main function of the DBMS because the database can be used if there is any record is being stored into the database. The record need to be retrieve first, then it can be change by the database administrator as it will be the record has been updated. The DBMS will protect the structure of the data structure.