What Is Family Essay

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Definitions of Family The Family is one of the most influential and sacred social groups we belong to as we grow up and become part of society. It is the place where we learn most of our values and find a belonging. Without our families we would not be the same people we grow up to become. Throughout history, the word family has carried many different meanings. Most people think of a family as a mother, father, and several children, but a family could be almost any group with common characteristics. All of the many different types of families are very important to society as well as the individual as they mature and find a place in life. There are several different definitions of the word family in the dictionary. The first definition in the …show more content…

I think this is referring mainly to the classification of objects, (for example, the halogens, which are a family of elements in the periodic table). In my opinion this could also mean a group of people with common ideals and goals. A sports team, a close group of friends, or a social club, such as a Greek fraternity or sorority could fit under this definition. I feel like these non-relation families can be as influential, or even more influential than your real blood family. You learn many values of how to be a good person, and be a leader in the community, and it molds you just as the traditional family unit would. These groups are just as much a family as your own immediate family in my …show more content…

My parents are still together and happily married. I have two siblings, a brother and a sister. We all got along quite well for the most part. We used to eat as a family every night, and we went to church on Sundays. Although I got along well with my family I have never been really too close to them. I never really went to my parents when I needed help, and actually I have never really needed that much help too often in my life. My family is usually taken for granted by me. Without them I most certainly would not be in the same circumstances as today. They support me a lot more than I deserve to be supported. I’ve always been a lot closer to my friends and they are almost like a family to me. My real family is probably a lot more important in the big picture though. The way I think and feel about things I mostly got from how I was raised. I am who I am because of my family. I am a fan of the Green Bay Packers and this is not just the way I am with no reason to support it. My father is also a fan of the Packers and because I grew up with him being a fan, I inherited his values when it comes to a sports

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