What Is Brandon Garman's Oral Interpretation?

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Oral Interpretation: Response #2

Oral communication and interpretation is an entertaining form of vocal acting, in which the majority of the performance is done with the voice, only vaguely suggesting a character through physical acting. There are various elements of an oral interpretation performance that determine whether the performer was successful or not, including facial expressions, tone, stance, etc. Oral interpretation can take on various forms, including poetry, prose, humorous interpretation, or dramatic interpretation. In Brandon Garman’s oral interpretation of “The Dark Knight” hospital scene for his oral interpretation class, he chose to use a dramatic interpretation of the script. In Garman’s performance there are various elements …show more content…

Because of this, Brandon had to mediate between the script writer and the audience (the listeners). In my opinion, the performer (Brandon Garman) interpreted the text in an effective manner for many reasons. To start, Brandon interpreted the text fairly straight forward (didn’t add any of his own content). However, through the use of Brandon’s placement, focus, physical and facial expressions, open focus, introduction, and voice distinction, he was not only able to create character distinction, but he also conveyed the scene as though it had happened to him personally, therefore making the characters come to life for the audience. In addition, Brandon also orally interpreted the text in an effective manner through his nonverbal and verbal communication with the audience. When Brandon was reading the script about the Dark Knight, his voice was passionate depending on what part of the poem he was in. When Brandon wanted to emphasize the Joker, his voice would become louder and he could change his voice pitch, along with moving his hands in front his face to convey the stereotypical “evil” villain body and hand movement. On the flip side, when Brandon wanted to convey Harvey, he would have his voice soft and by the end of the scene when Harvey is angry that the Joker was saying that his girlfriend dying was not “personal”, he would become passionate as well (but in a …show more content…

Firstly, Brandon was successful in not only maintaining eye contact with the audience (which made the performance seen more personal), but he had a powerful introduction that caught the audience’s attention. Secondly, Brandon explained the scene (content) before he started in order to avoid the audience becoming confused. In addition, from the very beginning of Brandon’s performance he enunciates his words, conveying confidence about his performance. Next, Brandon also uses his hands and facial expressions, as well as vocal fluctuations in order to emphasize important words so the audience could pick on the purpose of the scene. Next, Brandon conveyed the emotional aspects of the poem, including anger and grief that Harvey was feeling, along with the disgust and frustration of the Joker’s character. Brandon also distinguished his voice for the characters and maintained energy and enthusiasm throughout the scene. Brandon memorized the content so the scene was more realistic and believable(less scripted feel), and also overcame his anxiety, allowing the performance to shine through and not his nerves. Finally, he emphasized his language and rhythm in order to create a sense of flow to the performance. In other words, Brandon’s performance was not too fast or too slow (he went at a good pace). In my opinion, I don’t think that there is anything that Brandon could have improved or changed in his

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