What Is Applied Mathematics?

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Task 2

People have been using mathematics for thousands years. It is a part of their everyday life, for example, cleaning their houses, making breakfast, buying groceries or walking dogs. Everybody is using math naturally without realizing its existence. Mathematics refers to “the abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts (pure mathematics), or as applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering (applied mathematics)” (en.oxforddictionaries.com). While pure mathematics is the attempt to understand that 1 + 1 = 2, applied mathematics refer to the use of the knowledge of addition to calculate the balance of a bank account. An advantageous methodology in applied mathematics is mathematical modeling. …show more content…

The optimization model is a model that provides a variety of practical applications to achieve a desired goal for production and delivery at a minimum cost or maximum income. This model can be classified by a number of variables, i.e., one variable and multiple variables, and the mathematics computational method is used for the result calculation. , By using this model, Saha and Ksaibati (2016) have presented an improvement of a traffic safety management system (TSMS) for advance safety of the urban paved road network in Wyoming, USA. They concentrated on the annual safety budget, roadway inventory, roadway functional classification, historical crashes, safety improvement countermeasures, cost and crash reduction. They treated them as factors of the model which it made this research study different from the previous one. For instance, Pérez-Galarce et al.(2016) developed an optimization approach to provide shelter, medical and psychological assistance to the victims taking into account the quality of service by locating and assign refuge center through facilitating buildings. This research was conducted inside the red zone of the 2010 earthquake in …show more content…

Available at : https://en.oxforddictionaries.com(Accessed:21 July 2017)
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[9] Meerschaert,M.M.(2013) In Mathematical Modeling. 4th edn. Boston:Academic Press. pp.223-250.
[10] Pérez-Galarce, F., Canales, L. J., Vergara, C. and Candia-Véjar, A.(2016)’An optimization model for the location of disaster refuges’,Socio-Economic Planning Sciences,3(6),pp.549-558.
[11] Saha,P. and Ksaibati, K. (2016)’An Optimization Model for Improving Highway Safty’, Jourmal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Version), 3(6), pp.549-558.
[12] Vocabulary.com.Available at : https://www.vocabulary.com. (Accessed: 20 July

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