What If You Saved Your Son From Dying?

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What if you could’ve saved your son from dying? Or a stranger, you just met minutes before he walked into his death tramping in the New Zealand bush… What if simply checking the weather could’ve saved your own life? This is the reality of tramping and how easily it can go from just walking, and then walking into your death.

It wouldn’t have taken much for the mother to make a great impact on the outcome of her son and his friends hike. If she hadn’t of made a few assumptions that she did, I believe it would have easily saved a life. The mother in this story made the mistake of assuming that the boys would face no perceived real risks such as weather change and hypothermia. She could have done many things to save the life that was lost. As simple as asking questions like, ‘how long are you going for?’ This could lead to the conversation of, ‘don’t you think the weather might not be in your favor for that long?’ ‘Make sure you check the weather if you’re going that long!’ I think the mother should’ve been the stereotypical over protective and asked many questions, made sure they were safe, taking the appropriate gear rather than assuming that they’ve got it. …show more content…

Considering only one had experienced too. My reason being that is if one gets injured, then the other has to split from them to get

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