What Forms Our Identity In Uglies By Scott Westerfeld

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What forms Our Identity is individualization, no one is a carbon-copy of one another and there are many things that makes each person unique whether that be their ethnic background, personality, religious beliefs which can range from Non-religious, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Etc; In the book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld the book is set three hundred years into the future, with the government giving surgical operations which provides every citizen with the “Pretty” operation which makes everyone meet the standard of societal beauty. Tally Youngblood one of the “Uglies” living in Uglyville ( The section of any city where all uglies live) struggles with her confidence and is looking forward to the day where she can be a Pretty alongside with her longtime best friend Periz who recently got his operation done. In this novel Tally struggles with loving who she is and eventually succumbs to the immense pressure coming from the government wanting Tally to become a pretty. In Tally’s world many, pretties lack individuality and distinctiveness. …show more content…

Although the “Pretties” lack uniqueness the Uglies all have different personalities. Throughout the book Tally encounters many “Uglies” hiding from the government so they won’t have to get the “pretty” surgery and become another reproduction of a Pretty. Personal identification is different for each person being that Personal identity develops over time. Personal identity can vary from social identity, Beliefs, sexual

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