What Does Wealth Mean To You Research Paper

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What does wealth mean to you? Epictetus, a Stoic Greek Philosopher stated that “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” As the idea of wealth has evolved into our present society, it has drifted away from what Epictetus preached in early 100 AD. Today, wealth has become the focus on material possessions instead of just living content. In society, wealth needs to be revamped as an idea of making enough income so there is enough to spare on personal desires instead of the materialistic mindset. When most people think of wealth, instantly their minds jump to money and associate it with celebrities or ball players with thoughts of it. That should not be the case, and furthermore, money and wealth should not go hand in hand. In the song “Money” by Pink Floyd it states that if you “get a good job with more pay and you're O.K.” This further reinforces the sentiment of associating wealth with money which can also be defined as financial wealth. Financial wealth refers to when you have monetary wealth, but does …show more content…

Ghandhi warned of this before his assassination as one of his deadly seven sins, “wealth without work” (Pearson). In the case of college students today there are always those who chose to focus on partying instead of academics because of their inherited riches. These people may have financial wealth, but not life wealth. Even though they will never worry about missing a car payment they still will never have worked for anything. Eventually, this will cause their life wealth to plummet and lead them to a point where their riches can no longer provide happiness. Even though many middle-class families strive to reach that financial status it is important for them to realize their status. Instead of trying to live someone else’s life they should be content with where they stand in the world because it could all change in an

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