'What Does Mccain Mean By Saying That' Without Courage All Virtue Is Fragile?

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1. What does McCain mean by saying that “without courage all virtue is fragile?”
With this quote, John McCain mean that courage is what make people to do the right thing, even though knowing the consequences. Otherwise, without courage, all virtue is “admired, professed, but held cheaply and surrendered without a fight” (Rosenstand, 581). In other words, people should have courage to hold and honor their beliefs.
2. Explain the concept of moral courage using an example. Is it different from physical courage?
According to John McCain, there is no difference between moral and Physical courage, except, “in the occasions when it encounters risk” (Rosenstand, 582). That is, moral courage is to be brave enough to do what is right when nobody is watching. For example, return a return a cellphone, money, or other valuable item find it in the restroom.
Physical courage is also needed to do a good action regardless of the critiques or consequences. For example, Oscar Schindler, a German industrialist, had physical courage to saves hundreds of Jews lives from the Holocaust by employing them in his ammunition factory (Rosenstand, 598-600). Regardless of the consequences, even risking his life, Schindler knew it that it was a good moral action.
3. What does McCain mean by “doing one’s nearest duty’? Does …show more content…

The fact that McCain is a high-profile politician do not add anything to this idea for the fact that it’s not necessary to belong to a certain profession to have moral or physical courage. As McCain stated, “We can admire virtue and abhor corruption sincerely, but without courage we are corruptible” (Rosenstand, 581). Most of the time, ordinary people, living ordinary lives that follow their beliefs regardless of the consequences are those who really hold moral and physical

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