What Does Justice Mean?

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‘A heard of wolves is quieter and more at one than so men, unless they have all had one reason in them, or have one power over them. Unfortunately they have not one reason in them, each being moved by his own interests and passions; therefore the other alternative is the sole resource.’ If there is no common standard of behavior same can be happen to the mankind also. Each one behaves according to their own way. When one fulfilled his or her needs it would clash with another one’s interests. Some got more opportunity while another would not get any. For these reasons, society needs strong instrument which can function it in a proper way. The force of law is a major requirement for maintaining social order and preventing chaos …show more content…

‘Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion or equity. It is also act of being just & fair.’ Which means that giving every individual what he or she merits or in more customary terms, giving every individual his or her due.
‘Studies at UCLA in 2008 have indicated that reactions to fairness are “wired” into the brain and that, “fairness is activating the same part of the brain that responds to food in rats. This is consistent with the notion that being treated fairly satisfies a basic need.
John Rawls principles of justice
John Rawls claims that ‘justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought.’
He introduces two principles read as follows:
‘First: each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty compatible with a similar liberty for others.
Second: social & economic inequalities are arranged so that they are both (a) reasonably expected to be to everyone’s advantage and (b) attached to positions and offices open to …show more content…

‘Aquinas and Salmond have claimed justice as the goal of law: indeed for them it is part of the very notion of law. For to Aquinas, following Augustine, an unjust law is no law.’ According to him law can be just & fair only if it is moral. Because of that values & morals should be enshrined in law. There is a criterion in society what is right, just, fair and what is wrong, unjust and unfair. Equal persons get similar capacity of opportunities, having respect in mind for everyone, are just and fair. Taking a life of human being, someone steals from others, are unjust and unfair. So good law is required to protect those values and prohibit actions that considered as unfair and

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