What Does It Mean To Say That God Is Sovereignty

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God is Sovereign Psalm 103: 19
The LORD has established His throne in the heavens, And His sovereignty rules over all.

Sovereignty means “the complete power and authority”. Authority is defined as “ the power or the right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. God’s authority reigns over all.

Too often people put their ideas and minds on pedestals. We subconsciously make ourselves as Gods and idols when we believe we know what’s best or what we want to happen is best for us. But the true fact of the matter is God knows what’s best. When something happens, it’s the exact way God has allowed it to happen.

Too often I find myself complaining at how my life turns out. As if I know better. God has an amazing view looking down on us; he has an amazing memory and knows everything that will happen in the future. If …show more content…

But in fact, God sovereignty shows even when man thinks a mistake has happened. Jesus came from generations of offspring from Jacob and Leah. God knew that not just Jacob, but the world needed Leah.

It can be thought that God gave Leah to Jacob as punishment for deceiving his father in a similar way by pretending to be Esau.
One could also point out the fact that everything happened because of lies, deceit, and sin. Lies from Jacob, then lies from Laban (Rachel and leahs father). Also The sin of envy that caused the unrighteous competition to bear fruit between Leah and Rachel. ( see Genesis 29-30) but doesn’t that make Gods plan even more complete. Discipline and a miracle all from one situation.

Why should the fact that God is sovereign bring me peace?
1. God’s sovereignty has brought you this far in life. You are still alive, and with every breath you take you have an opportunity to repent of any and every sin and worship him all because God has allowed you to.
2. Psalm 115:3 says Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases

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