What Does It Mean To Be Free Essay

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There is a time for everything. Or at least that is what we were taught, but we now know that to be untrue. There is no time for chaos for that truly would not benefit the greater good. Everything should be for the greater good, shouldn’t it? There was a time when there was chaos, and there was a time when there was order. So much order that it restricted freedom.
There is a small distinction between freedom and chaos. If not for this distinction, they would truly be one in the same. Chaos allows for anything. We can do whatever we please because it pleases us to do it. There is no true greater good. There is only we. We are greater than the good of others, and in doing so, don’t care of others. The way we go about our life is the way we shall …show more content…

These guidelines or rules, per say, are for the greater good, so that our freedom isn’t impeached on the basis that their freedom is inherently better. Freedom is fairness in that sense. However, it is also Freedumb. There is an inherent ignorance about it. Some see freedom as a means to essentially promote chaos with knowing that they are doing so. To destroy what others have worked for and go against what is truly for the greater good is not freedom, but they do it, because it is something that makes them uncomfortable. The idea of it, disturbs them. Freedom isn’t perfect. Freedom is democracy. The majority rule, and when the majority promote chaos while those in actual power work toward the polar opposite, freedom does not work. Freedom …show more content…

Same color. Same sex. If we are to talk to those others, we would be beaten, for distracting others from their duties. The greater good is above all. The society is above all. Conversations with those who do not have our same occupation, who we can distract with banter and talk of other things besides their job, of which we know nothing of, is a hindrance.
Those that are unwritten: At the plant, talking is prohibited. With the exception of the midday break, that consists of a twenty-minute period. We are to eat and relieve and relax in this period of time. No other time is this prohibited because it would be a hindrance to the plant’s production. The greater good relies on the plant’s production.
Those that are unwritten: We are not to leave the cities. There is no written law about leaving. But from the posters we see, what we see on the box, leaving and running into the Forest of No Return, is not an option. There is no place for us except for the city, lest we want to see the savages.
Keep our head down. Breathe. Look down. Breathe. Do our job without question. Breathe. Breathe. Never forget to breathe. If you don’t the beating won’t matter. You’ll be dead

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