What Does It Mean To Be Ecclesiastically Separated?

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What does it mean to be ecclesiastically separated? To be ecclesiastically separated means to separate from non-fundamental churches. We cannot mix light and dark. We cannot be lukewarm. If we are to drop the standards in the church, we are bringing evil into the holy place of God. We cannot associate ourselves with churches that do not believe the same way we do, lest we allow them to influence us, therefore changing our beliefs and convictions. One of the reasons we should not yoke up with the liberal church is because it will cause much confusion for unbelievers. There should be a very distinct difference between the world and the church. What is an unbeliever supposed to think of the church if it looks like the world with which he had been so closely associated? If we are yoking up with churches that believe differently than we do, that will cause us to change what we believe doctrinally and will teach new Christians unbiblical teachings. …show more content…

Dr. Jeff Fugate said, "When unity becomes our purpose, we set truth aside." Our goal should not be to be unified with the world, but to be unified with truth. When our primary goal becomes to gain large crowds to become unified, we compromise the truth and we will become confused on what is true. The unbeliever, in his mind, has a picture of what the church should be. Even unbelievers understand that it should be different and should be separated from the world. When a church starts mixing the holiness of God with worldliness, the unbeliever won't know what to believe. You cannot mix light and

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