What Are The Similarities Between New Spain And British America

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Comparing British America & the British West Indies to the Viceroyalty of New Spain Youssef Gabr - 7B. Thesis: During the age of Western colonialism, European nations explored, conquered, settled, and exploited the areas of the newly discovered Americas. During this period, there were two European superpowers who controlled the dominant colonies of The Americas; these two superpowers were British America (& the British West Indies) and the Viceroyalty of New Spain. Furthermore, these two colonies monopolized the region and went on to shape the development of Modern America. The two powers, while they might have shared some similarities such as the importance of agriculture on the economy, diverged on many ways of life in areas such as labor, governmental structures, societal hierarchy, and religious beliefs. Comparison & Contrasting Geography:. …show more content…

British America included regions such as forests, lakes, mountains, coastal areas, and fertile farmlands, while New Spain included regions such as dry deserts, dense rainforests, and plains. When examining the geographies of the two colonies, we can analyze that both New Spain & British America had fertile lands which were suitable for, and therefore exploited, plantations & animal husbandry. Both of these colonies placed great emphasis on agriculture and established mercantilism. Although there are similarities between these two colonies’ geography, they diverge such as the fact that New Spain had dense rainforests, and although British America had mild forests, it did not have areas with the same forest canopy density as the Yucatan

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