The Pro's and Cons's of Dog Parks
It is true, that animals of all kinds need specific routines and ample excersize to remain healthy. This is especially true in canines from my direct experience as a dog owner. While it's true that dog parks are a great way to let your pal get some well needed physical and mental nourishment, there are deffinetly alternatives that may quell the concerns of those whom would oppose such a project.
Although most people do not mind a simple bark, the sometimes sharp commands from an owner, or a highened level of traffic. Especially in the case of happy healthy animals. There is always the reality of late shift employees who need to rest deep and well during what would otherwise be regaurded as, "normal hours". In thier situations I can completly understand the concern for a park to be within the area surrounding thier residence. In this case the level of rest could be diminished and thier productivity at work, and in thier personal lives may become impeded. Not to say that their or not measures other than disapproving a park, such as ear plug, or white noise machines.
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Some of which deffienitly include the socialization of the animals with other dog and owners, and even children and wildlife. I personally had a young pup, who was not trained properly as far as prey drive was concerned. She would chase and bark at every single squirel that cross our path. Within just one month of training to ignore these critters, and with the help of other dogs setting an example of how to correctly interact with them in such a park, my pooch no longer gave any mind to
P4: ‘The parks can be cruel to the animals they hold because they put a restriction the freedom they would normally have in the wild’ (para 5).
Like humans, dogs need exercise. It is wise to take house-dogs on walks throughout the day. It helps them burn off energy and work their muscles. Dogs are also very social and need interaction with other pets and their humans. Once or twice a week the owners should take their dog to a puppy playground or dog park; this gives them the opportunity to become socialized. Denying these basic elements of a dog's life is one of the worst forms of animal abuse. This is the practice of puppy mills across the country.
There should be no man made machinery operating in the park unless absolutely necessary. The creation of the National Park Service is to preserve wilderness in a way that gives people the opportunity to experience nature in all its wonder. It was never intended to create amusement parks where people never leave the safety of the modern age and look at the natural world through glass. Being completely enveloped in nature has many benefits, from physical such as lowering blood pressure, to psychological in boosting moods. According to Tyler Tapps in Parks & Recreation: “Recent research indicates that outdoor activity is associated with positive mental and physical benefits, including increased cardiovascular function, decreased stress levels, and reduced blood pressure” (Tapps). Abbey understood this, as did many Americans. Today however the number of people willing to immerse themselves in the nations parks is decreasing. In Desert Solitaire, abbey puts it this way: “A man on foot, on horseback or on a bicycle will see more, feel more, enjoy more in one mile than the motorized tourist can in a hundred miles” (Abbey). Today many members of the younger generation have lost that sense of joy and wonder in the outdoor setting. This change would bring back the love of nature in this
The passages "A Dog Park Benefits All" and 'No Dog Park for Muscatine" both have very reasonable points on whether or not there should be a dog park in Muscatine, but one author clearly has the dogs in mind while the other has the taxpayers in mind. I believe the two authors can find a middle ground with the deicision. Instead of a whole park dedicated to dogs, maybe opening a dog center would be more ideal. A large indoor facility for dogs to exercise and socialize in would solve the majority of most of the issues listed in "No Dog Park for Muscatine"; taxpayer money, legal issues, and disturbing concerns.
Public dog parks could be very essential to cities. Many people who own dogs have no where to take them, which does not give the dogs any exercise or social interaction. We should treat our pets as equal and satisfy their needs as much as our own.
I think pets should not even be allowed to even be in a workplace due to the fact that some people are actually terrified of dogs and bring them into a workplace can cause a lot of problems. The only reason I feel this way is because of the fact that animals can be huge a distraction to the workers and customers, they will require a lot of attention like stopping to feed them, give them water, taking them to use the bathroom. Plus, not all dogs are good dogs, you have the nice dogs and the mean dogs, how can a person do their job if you see dogs running back and forth, barking, ETC. Another reason can be that some people suffer from allergies. You really can’t bring one if you work in a fast food restaurant. I fully understand if a person that has a physical disability.
In 1961, Dr. Boris Levinson, a child psychologist, became the “accidental” pioneer for animal therapy. One day he left his dog, Jingles, alone with one of his young, uncommunicative patients. When Dr. Levinson came back, the child was smiling and talking to the dog (Altschiller 3). This just shows how quick and monumental the effect of an animal can be. He believed that therapy animals provided, “unconditional acceptance and love” and they offered “a secure and warm environment for children and other patients, increasing their ability to adapt better psychologically to other people”...
positive changes since animal programs were introduced (Puppies). With all the love and attention the animals receive, they are likely to be adopted quicker because of improved behavior (Flynn). The animal programs also help the community by providing service dogs for law enforcement and people with disabilities, and save tax payers, who previously have been paying two billion doll...
Having a dog can be a great experience for people who enjoy their company. These animals are usually friendly and active; they are intelligent and can develop a strong relationship with their owners based in love and care. However, having dogs is a big responsibility for the person who owns it, because they are animals, so they cannot support themselves. Dogs need someone who can feed them, give them love, and someone who can make them exercise. Moreover, these animals need big spaces in order to run and develop their muscles, so the owner has to know that he needs to take a walk with the dog several times a day. Dog parks are a great place to take the dogs because it provides a space where they do not have to be with leash every time, while they can interact with other animals of their specie in a pet-friendly environment. Every city in the country should have at least one of these places, in order to help their inhabitants with their pets and because it is a good part of the life in community.
Is it strange that I don’t have a dog, but I love the opportunity to observe the antics at our local off leash dog parks? Frankly, every time I visit an off leash park I am reminded of The Breakfast Club, the 1985 coming of age movie about High School cliques and stereotypes. Seriously, take a moment to sit and observe the action. You will notice the athlete, the spoiled rich kid, the brainy nerd, the introverted loner and the rebellious punk all joyously sniffing and romping gleefully while their humans mix and mingle. Just like the movie, the dogs seem to come together, bare their souls and discover that they have more in common than first thought.
My dogs dont get out much. Mainly because I just dont have time to take them on hour walks. A lot of the time I just wish I could bring them somewhere and let them run around without me. A dog park does exactly that. Dogs, bigger expecially, need a ton of exercize. Even the ASPCA has explained how much exercize can improve their health. When a dog doesn't get the exercize they need, they can rebel against their owners, causing issues in the home for both the owner and the dog. When, if there was a dog park the dogs could go run and play so that issue wouldn't be there. So therfore I believe a dog park would be very benifical.
Sociologically, a dogs contribution to a human lifestyle draws attention to the understanding that dogs play a prodigious role, especially in the 21st century where they are best known for being companions. Dogs have the ability to shape a person in a particular way, whether it be positive or negative. Dog parks are the central hub for dogs to have a good time, but not only do they have a good time but the owners get a chance to interact with other dogs and their owner's. This concept seems to be quite popular in which quite a few articles have been published on the subject. Dogs play a crucial role in society which gradually enhances their owners lifestyle in several ways.
Animal welfare assessment has been based on the five freedoms1 concept. This considered negative aspects of mental state (fear and stress) and the compromise of physical domains (nutrition, environment, health, behavior), but did not take into account any positive states [1]. Positive welfare has been gaining importance in science [2,3,4] and among public opinion in the past years [5]. As a result, the five freedoms definition started to change and included positive experiences or emotions such as satiety, vitality, reward, contentment, curiosity and playfulness as part of animal welfare [1].
I honestly love dogs myself, but I don't support Bring Your Dog to Work program. First of all, I strongly believe that not everyone will feel comfortable with this because they might be allergic or scared of the dog and not everyone likes animals. Even though some people may agree to this we also have to think for those who don't like dogs. During work hours many are busy doing things for work, getting things done would be hard with a dog around. Dogs need to be fed and walked to handle their buissness every couple of hours, making it hard on people to concentrate and do their job.
Animal welfare is a serious aspect to consider in relation to different farming facilities. Animal welfare is defined as the well-being of animals. This is a controversial topic, which is due to the nature of the definition of "good" and "bad" and morality with respect to animals. Farmers attempt to balance the welfare of animals along with trying to maximize the productivity of the farm as well. There are four main aspects to animal welfare: good feeding, good housing, good health and appropriate species-specific behavior performed by the animals.