What Are The Disadvantages Of The War Hawk Dbq

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The War of 1812 and the War Hawks’ urge to declare war on Britain resulted in political, social, and geographical change within the United States between the years 1812 to 1815. The War Hawks were a group of pro-war Jeffersonian Republicans that strongly advised Congress to declare war on Britain in the year of 1812. The War Hawks depended on various pieces of propaganda in locations such as newspapers, magazines, and other sources. One image depicts Britain as a demon and Lady Liberty as an angel free from the corruption and bribery of Britain. Statistics show that most states voted in support of war when the time came to vote (Document O), thanks to the War Hawks. To the disadvantage of the War Hawks, there were activists who were out to spread propaganda opposite of their beliefs and ideals. One Washington newspaper article lists grievances and reasons why the United …show more content…

“Seven or eight millions of people have nothing to dread from 300,000” the editor wrote (Document D). An additional reason citizens were anxious on declaring war with Britain was foreign policy. Citizens complained about countries such as France and Canada, whether we should make an effort to ally with them or if we should fear for an incoming …show more content…

Fortunately for the War Hawks, Britain had their hands full at the time. Using it to their advantage, the War Hawks want to take to the Atlantic and use the American navy to their advantage for war on Britain to acquire these Canadian provinces. Anti-war activists fight back by stating “Why take to water where you can neither fight nor swim?” (Document K). Unfortunately, the United States attempted to invade Canada anyway, which resulted in an embarrassing defeat that would be a topic of conversation before and after the war (Document

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