What Are The Benefits Of Yoga Essay

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Luminescence Retreat 2017-2018
Healing Through Intuition And Artful Expression
Yoga- Connecting Within: Practicing Yoga has been around for many decades as a way of connecting the mind and body. Recently research has been done and there is even benefits physically, mentally and spiritually.
Retreat Focus: Connecting the mind with the body for the intention of increasing awareness of intuition and emotions held in the body to release stress, unhealthy emotions, and physical tension,stress and illness
Benefits of Yoga
● Increased flexibility.
● Increased muscle strength and tone.
● Improved respiration, energy and vitality.
● Maintaining a balanced metabolism.
● Weight reduction.
● Increases body awareness
● Calms nervous system
● Cardio …show more content…

The room will be heated, and you will sweat buckets.
Iyengar yoga was developed and popularized by B.K.S. Iyengar
(pronounced "eye-yen-gar"). Iyengar is a very meticulous style of yoga, with utmost attention paid to finding the proper alignment in a pose. In order to help each student find the proper alignment, an
Iyengar studio will stock a wide array of yoga props — blocks, blankets, straps, chairs, bolsters are all common. There isn't a lot of jumping around in Iyengar classes, so you won't get your heart rate up, but you'll be amazed to discover how physically and mentally challenging it is to stay put. Iyengar teachers must undergo a comprehensive training — if you have an injury or chronic condition,
Iyengar is probably your best choice to ensure you get the knowledgeable instruction you need.
Restorative yoga is a delicious way to relax and soothe frayed nerves.
Restorative classes use bolsters, blankets, and blocks to prop students in passive poses so the body can experience the benefits of a pose without having to exert any effort. A good restorative class is more rejuvenating than a nap. Studios and gyms often offer them on
Friday nights, when just about everyone could use some

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