What Are The Advantages Of The Internet Essay

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Abstract- The Internet is a very strong and powerful weapon that has evolved over the years from its origin in the early 1960’s. The Internet has grown from being used for military use only to now becoming a part of everyday life. The Internet is the largest, most powerful computer network. Internet usage has grown rapidly over the last decade. There are billions of Internet users throughout the world and the numbers are continuously growing by the second.

Keywords— Communication, Computer Network, Decode, ARPANET, packet switching, Security,

I. Introduction
Communication has become much more convenient due to the invention of the Internet. The Internet has seamlessly become a part of the everyday life of people in general. The Internet

1. Online shopping
The Internet is making it easier than ever for people to view and buy things from the comfort of their own home just with a press of a button. You can purchase wide variety of things from books, clothes to even cars on the Internet.
The Internet has made it easier to advertise one’s brand to a wide variety of consumers through popular websites and also social media. With the convenience of access to information from all over, stores now can easily keep up with the latest trends and style to fit the consumer’s wants and needs.
Websites like EBay, Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Best Buy have thrived in the online shopping business.

2. Social Media
Websites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites have emerged because of the Internet and have made a big impact on the whole world. They are now sites and apps that have made it easy for people to communicate quicker and also to view other people’s information, pictures and interests. Facebook has especially has had the most users. Its monthly active users at the end of 2015 were around 1.6 billion of the whole population. And that’s only the number of users that has been active the past 30 days of the statistic. Other social mobile apps are Vine, Snapchat in which a lot of young people now use. There are also dating sites in which people post pictures of themselves and potentially meet

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