Communication Technology and Canadian Identity

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Communication Technology and Canadian Identity


We are in the middle of a global information revolution driven by the rise and convergence of information and communication technologies. The telecommunications sector is changing at warp speed, driven by technological innovation that results in new fragmenting and regionalizing entity. I will examine some of the many forms of cultural fragmentation that take place due to the structure of Canada’s mass media industry. First I will discuss in general basic information about the Internet being a very strong communication tool and then discuss communication technology in the Canadian context. As well, identify the cultural bonding aspects of communication in Canada such as the overcoming of geography, and the bilingual access to media.

Canada is a vast country with a strong multiculturalism policy, many distinct regions, and heavy foreign influence. The size of Canada has shaped much of Canadian’s way of life. Communications could not have developed easily or naturally in Canada without relying on technological innovations to bond the country in a communicative society. Canada has been divided into provinces and territories which have extremely different terrains, climates, economies and cultures. These differences create conflicting interests and misunderstandings.


The Internet, originally arising from the American military, has grown to a main source of communication for millions around the world and has helped in creating a global village. The Internet started gaining fast acceptance in the 1990's especially in North America. Countries such as China however, still have limited access and control over the contents on the internet allowed ...

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...res, Leo. Mass Media Effects. Waveland Press Inc,IL.1997.

Joseph STRAUBHAAR and Robert LaROSE (2002). Media Now. Communication Media in the Information Age. 3rd Edition. Belmont, Wadworth/Tompson Learning.

Paul ATTALLAH and Leslie Regan SHAD (2002) Mediascapes. New Patterns in Canadian Communication, Scarborough, Nelson/Tompson learning.

Vipond,Mary."Technology and the Mass Media" The Mass Media in Canada.James Lorimer & Company Ltd.Toronto: 2000.

Omni, 2002, Online at: , Consulted on April 09, 2003

CJC. Canadian Journal of Communication. Online at: Consulted on April 09, 2003


Image 1: Google Image, 2003,, April 10, 2003

Image 2: Google Image, 2003,, April 10, 2003

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