We're a good partnership, you and I

530 Words2 Pages

Partnership is seen in the most intense sports, where athletes work together to attain glory. Partnership is seen in the most heroic moments, and in the most basic steps life takes. Partnership is undoubtedly a form of teamwork, but more specifically, the team is stripped down to the bare minimum number - two. Two people based on the two rudimentary principles of life, trust and equality, facing two possibilities - failure and success.

Life consists of partnerships.
Life is built based on partnerships.
Life is a partnership.

My life, just like any other, began with a partnership between my parents. This partnership budded, bloomed and blossomed into a little baby girl. When I learnt to walk and talk, my pair of feet advanced one step at a time in perfect partnership, my pursed lips puckered up each time I concentrated on shaping each word carefully. At the age of five, my parents handed me an instrument based on partnership - the violin. It required the precise coordination between both hands and the exact partnership between the strings of the instrument and the bow, to produce th...

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