Weird Story Ending

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The Life You Save May Be Your Own is an interesting title because of the fact that he chose to save his own life and ditch a person he brought into the outside world. The entire story revolves around the character that has never lived a life that involved him being tied down in the world. He even tells Mrs. Crater that he has worked several types of jobs in the past, and the fact that he was only twenty-eight years old should have worried her. It was interesting to see how fixed on one person just because of how desperate someone could be. Mr. Shiftlet felt pressured into marrying Lucynell and did so to satisfy Mrs. Crater. In the end of the story Mr. Shiftlet ended up running away from the girl that he had just married, the only reason why he did was because he felt depressed for tying himself down when he wasn’t ready for it. The Life You Save May Be Your Own is a fitting title, and even pops up on the road Mr. Shiftlet is driving on; it fits by showing how he did save his own life by choosing his own fate, leaving the girl to find her own fate, and how life will never turn out the...

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