Weintraub's Argument Analysis

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All throughout America millions are suffering with many diseases that affect man of the obese people; obesity affects more than 35% of adults and more than 17% of children and each day that goes by more and more people have a chance of becoming obese. I read about Weintraub’s argument where he blames obesity on the parents, and that we shouldn’t blame fast-food companies nor the government. He thinks that parents should be held responsible for not teaching their children to exercise or eat healthy and that they let them sit around the t.v doing nothing. Weintraub’s argument that parents are completely to blame for their child’s obesity is true they should take responsibility but they aren’t the only ones to blame for this ongoing crisis, the others responsible for this crisis are food companies and the government.
I don’t agree that parents are completely to blame for their child’s obesity; but they should take some of the blame. They share some of the blame because they let their kids sit around doing nothing and they don’t take the time to actually cook healthy foods and prefer to just buy their kids fast food, and others don’t make them stay active and in shape. An article online that I was reading was saying “couch potato lifestyles, watching t.v, playing computer games and surfing …show more content…

The parents just let their children sit around and watch t.v and don’t take the time to cook them an actually healthy meal, food companies expect us to pay twice as more for a healthy product, when their is another product that we can buy for less money and, the government should change the food that we eat the school and reinforce the physical education at schools. This is what people don't understand: obesity is not a choice but it is a sign of poverty. It's not a lifestyle choice where people are just eating and not

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