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Web Design
All of us at one time or another have surfed the Web. Whether for a school project, to shop for a holiday gift or special item, check a sports score, or just for fun our hands and mice have clicked a hyperlink, scrolled a page, instant messaged a friend or used a shopping cart. The web has become such an integral part of everyday lives. It has become the largest center of information. It is no longer possible to escape the web.
The web is an extremely and primarily visual realm. We interact with what we see on our computer screens. Without its visual components there would be no Internet, as we know it. This, along with the Internet’s high level of interactivity, makes web design and the layout of a web page of extreme importance. There is technique to publishing an effective web page. Since the Internet crash of 2000 that brought along the failure of many amateur and professional sites alike it has become extremely important that the content of a web page is worth the time and money put into to it. Along with this the evolution of high-speed Internet access which has made speed and efficiency a key. Not even a just-for-fun web site will be of any use if it is bogged down by poor design and therefore it cannot compete with a surfers fleeting patience.
When designing a web page there are skills and steps that need to be taken to ensure that your web page(s) is practical, efficient, and just plain gets the job done. Skills that are needed include:
· Marketing: Defines the purpose and audience
· Information architecture: Designs the organization, navigation, labeling, and searching systems.
· Graphic Design: Finds the graphic “identity” of the site.
· Editorial: Proofreading, editing, content, etc.
· Technical: Programming, Web administration, production, etc.
· Management: Keeps all of the above in line, on time, and in budget.
The purpose of the paper is to analyze the ethical implications of counselors towards clients. The paper will also identify action of the counselor that will confront a client with their own values and beliefs. It will also identify factors that might lead to refer a client to another provider in order not to deal with ethical issues. There will be also a situation where the counselor will not have the option to referral the client to another counselor or agency.
Web sites are just like magazines, newspapers, brochures, menus, or even directions on how to make nitroglycerin from house-hold goods, in that they all have to be put together in such a manner that whoever is reading or browsing over it will be able to clearly distinguish this from that. In this sense, a critique of any particular web site will have justification, while carefully considering also that this is an altogether new medium of information exchange. Now, all of this talk of togetherness is actually a general reference to basic design principles, such as color coordination, if color is used, text size, font choice/ style, art integration, accessibility, and just plain and simple design of the page. For example, it wouldn't be all that appealing to the eyeball if a page being viewed had all the text jumbled up in a corner, so small your eyes were bleeding by the time you figured out that it wasn't even worth the trouble. Darn. It's important to rememeber, especially these days, that what you read is as important as how it looks. Have you ever tried reading an interview in a Raygun magazine? Kinda hard, right? Design totally for its own sake is nice, as art that is, and admittedly it looks cool. However, it's two in the morning and you're standing in line at the corner 7-11 trying to pay for your 40 ounce bottle of Kool-Aid, and you happen to see that your favorite MTV Pearl Crap-clone band is on the cover of this hip magazine and you go to read it, but you can't. It's not because to you failed elementary school three times in two years, but because the maestro in charge decided to get fancy with it and thought it'd be cool if he hid the text under a black box or likewise photograph. I like to loo...
After Estella defies Miss Havisham and breaks Pip’s heart by announcing her marriage to Drummle, “the spectral figure of Miss Havisham, her hand still covering her heart, seemed all resolved into a ghastly stare of pity and remorse” (Dickens, ). In this moment, several significant changes happen to Miss Havisham. For one, she sees the heartbreak and agony she experienced when she was left at the altar mirrored in Pip. Instead of feeling satisfied and healed, Miss Havisham’s pain is only deepened by her guilt. Many other things also backfire. Miss Havisham realizes the monster she created from Estella by filling her with only pride, not love, is her ultimate downfall. From this, her delusion is vanished as she sees the world for what it truly is with Pip as a mirror for seeing the wrong in her actions. Trying to redeem herself, Miss Havisham begs for forgiveness, helps Herbert Pocket, and leaves a fortune to Herbert’s father. These actions display maturity because she sacrifices her pride by begging for Pip’s forgiveness and giving away the weapon she used to enthrall people- money. Additionally, after Pip shows her grace even after experiencing Miss Havisham’s pain, it is possible that she could realize that she should forgive herself and everyone else too. By being able to overcome her pride and her unforgivingness, we can infer that Miss Havisham is able to move on from the
... discontinued her life and this is mainly represented by the clocks and watches in her house stopping at twenty to nine. She has raised Estella to hate men and break their hearts just as her future husband had the day of her wedding. Miss Havisham’s function in the story is to create a source of fear and as Pip visited her house, her character was created
Dickens depicts an eccentric and rather malevolent women who was jilted on her wedding, therefore, she has stopped time and sits in her yellowing wedding dress. Furthermore, leaving her in agony. Consequently, that agony and misery turned into hatred towards men. When Miss Havisham employs Pip to play With Estella, Pip sees an " old brick, and dismal, and had many great irons bars to it " this shows that Dickens wants to give a hint on Miss Havisham's appearance as he says " old ild brick, and dismal " which is reflective on the owner that she is old like am " old brick " which makes the reader feel curiosity towards Miss Havisham appearance and personality. One word which stands out is " bars ", it makes me imagine a cell with many rusty and
She is manic and often seems insane, fitting around her house in a faded wedding dress, keeping a decaying feast on her table, wearing only one of her shoe, and surrounded herself with clocks stopped at twenty minutes to nine. With a kind of manic, obsessive cruelty, she adopts Estella and deliberately raises her as a weapon in order to break men’s heart. Miss Havisham is an example of single-minded vengeance pursued destructively: both Miss Havisham and the people in her life suffer greatly because of her quest for revenge. While Estella was still a child, Miss Havisham began casting about for boys who could be a testing ground for Estella's education in breaking the hearts of men as vicarious revenge for Miss Havisham's pain. Pip, the narrator, is the eventual victim; and Miss Havisham readily dresses Estella in jewels to enhance her beauty and to exemplify all the more the vast social gulf between her and Pip. When, as a young adult, Estella leaves for France to receive education, Miss Havisham eagerly asks him, "Do you feel you have lost her?” This quote shows that Miss Havisham takes a perverted pleasure in hurting Pip and that her desire for revenge still as strong as
...d today, violence in the media cannot be prevented. Since that stands solid, we humans have found countless ways to gain strengths and weaknesses from it all, especially children. From preparation to fearlessness to money, violence in the media can be most certainly beneficial to people of all ages if taken in a serious yet professional manner. Albeit, there are some grisly boundaries in the world of violence that should not be crossed; however, if they not crossed beforehand in the farseness of media, the human population risks the boundaries being crossed in reality. That raises the definitive answer to the constant debate: Reality is violence, and reality is forever inescapable.
Throughout the novel, Miss Havisham is portrayed to be living her life through her adopted daughter, Estella, by making her a lady due to Miss Havisham’s devastation of her own outcomes. Estella claims she is what Miss
In Chapter eight, Estella introduced the Satis House which had a meaning that whoever owned the house could want nothing more in life. The clocks on wall in Miss Havisham’s room all stopped exactly at twenty to nine. Miss Havisham, a weird and freaky looking lady dressed in the wedding gown, commanded Estella to insult Pip. Strong imagery was used to describe the mansion and Miss Havisham to build a tense and suspenseful atmosphere. Furthermore, the meaning of the Satis House may be a satire. Miss Havisham owned the house but she was not happy at all, which could be told by her dressing style and behaviors. She was a hard-hearted woman who proudly wore her emotional wounds like a badge of honor. Her command of asking Estella to insult Pip probably reflects that her interest was to exact revenge on men.
The Web. The Web. 4 Nov. 2013. Patchin, Justin W., Joseph A. Schafer, and Sameer Hinduja.
Ten years ago, the Internet as we know it hit screens. It was 1995 when Explorer and Netscape emerged as the leading browsers for Internet users. Of course, a lot has changed since the days when it took several minutes to load one Web page. Today, URLs are as common as phone numbers for most businesses.
It’s the ever-present question that has been asked by authorities, educational institutes and parents alike. Does violence in the media influence the behavior of society? Some say yes, others say no. Other questions posed that I will try to clarify in this essay are those to do with what, if anything is being done to control this virus. To fully comprehend these questions we must first understand what is meant by violence in the media, and whom it effects, if anyone at all. Also, did violence in the media come first, or was it derived from violence in the ‘real world’? There are arguments that can be stated from both sides. Some say that escalation of violence in society is a symptom of deteriorated value systems and poor parental instruction. Others say, and this is backed up with factual evidence, that violence that is seen on television, in the movies and in video games is directly linked to the violence in society. Either way, there is too much violence in the mass media and the outcome of this can in no way, shape or form be of a positive nature.
1) Web 2.0 is a collection of technologies that enable us to create and provide services to end users in innovative ways. It's not only about the technologies that are used, but about the new ways that it enables large numbers of people to come together to collaborate, share, and build. The term Web 2.0 was invented by Tim O’Reilly, founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media. According to Tim O'Reilly: http://radar.oreilly.com/2006/12/web-20-compact-definition-tryi.html, 2006. “Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.”
Having a website is a necessity nowadays, especially for people who are in business. Having a website helps promote your company’s services, for consumers to view and research your products easily, and also because internet is universal, people worldwide could purchase your products. Aside from business purposes, a website could also be built for personal use. If you’re into blogging, you can have your own site to express everything you want or feel; a website could also be used to inform people. Due to technology’s fast evolution, creating a website is now a very simple task even for those who have no background in web designing, all you need is a working computer and an internet connection and you’re ready to create your very own site!
The web is the most powerful marketing tool in existence for which design has to serve a function. In the growing digital society, web designing is the tool that brings life to the desktop and mobile screens. The usage of web and internet has hit the sky in the last many years, and for the last year 2013 the distinction between the two has vanished.