We Pretend Research Paper

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It was a word that we loved as kids, a word that consumed our youth, and a word that we will soon love again.

My cousins and I used it as a noun. It was our favorite and the only game we took part in. Every time we visited each other, we played Pretend.

Although “pretend” is often associated with imaginative children, it doesn’t leave as we age. Pretend survives in unfamiliar situations. Now, we pretend that we like one another. We pretend that we don’t care. We pretend that we’re okay. Pretending becomes a verb. It becomes a way to suppress, a way to belong. A way to be someone we’re not.

As an adult, with a family of my own, pretend will still be with me. I’ll turn it back into a noun and I’ll play Pretend with my own kids. We’ll pretend

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