War Ground: A Short Story

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I could hear JP talking in the background telling me something but I didn't hear “Ow,” I screamed as I fell right into a thorn bush and we were about five minutes into the hike then I heard JP say, “I was trying to yell at you that you were about to walk into one of these annoying thorn bushes”.
I was pretty happy that no thorns were stuck on me after we checked. I was wondering if I could stay alive for This field group.

Soon we got into what I like to call, “war ground” because it looks like a war just happened at this very spot with trees knocked over and nothing living. Later into the trail, we found a dead tree that fell over, but was still in the air.
JP expressed, ”let me get the rope in my bag so we can pull down the tree to make the trail safe.” …show more content…

Five minutes later, we all got ready to pull as hard as we could and then right when we pulled, the knot came loose. Then we tried this one more time, and it worked and we made the trail safe. Once we finished, JP couldn't untie the knot, but then Evan came up with the idea of using a twig to untie the knot and that method worked.
After we made the trail safe. We went to where there was a horrible tornado. We knew once we saw dead, fallen trees, pieces from houses, and tree branches everywhere . Later in the walk we saw pieces of a house thrown from a tornado. It was amazing seeing this because very rarely there is a tornado in New England. While we were walking, we saw many poems on the trees. After seeing all the poems I found some fungi that were as big and white as a white snowy mountain. JP knew exactly what it

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