Waiting For Godot Ap Prompts

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Waiting for Godot has many instances of conceit actions that attribute individual value over others. Pozzo, a following character later introduced in the early stages of the play, is depicted as an upright, rich high caste man. Pozzo demonstrates essence of choice when he offers up “one hundred francs” to get service but gets denied by Estragon and Vladimir because the price was not up to par. In return, Pozzo willingly raises one hundred francs to “two hundred [francs]” (Beckett 92). This act of increasing the price gives insight of the importance of Pozzo’s attraction to the ground and that his predicament is valued at double the price. In addition, Pozzo making this decision means to him that this is an equivalent price for his current stature. …show more content…

Moving on from Pozzo, “[We are] waiting for Godot” is a motif that is brought up throughout the book. (Beckett 51). Whether is it mentioned by mostly Vladimir and seldomly by Estragon, this idea of waiting demonstrates the ignorance of thinking and that whatever happens, happens. The duo’s allure to this idea of Godot is not authentic to themselves, in that in the span of the book, the purpose of waiting is still a mystery to even the yearners. Their incapabilities to think for themselves adds to the idea of benefit, and in that both Vladimir and Estragon are getting nothing in return for wasting their time. Instead of finding their worth in life, they choose to wait for life to be handed to

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