Samuel Beckett’s Waiting For Godot: A Critical Allegory of Religious Faith

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Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot has been said by many people to be a long book about nothing. The two main characters, Vladimir and Estragon, spend all their time sitting by a tree waiting for someone named Godot, whose identity is never revealed to the audience. It may sound pretty dull at first but by looking closely at the book, it becomes apparent that there is more than originally meets the eye. Waiting for Godot was written to be a critical allegory of religious faith, relaying that it is a natural necessity for people to have faith, but faiths such as Catholicism are misleading and corrupt.

Vladimir and Estragon spend all their time through out the book waiting for "Godot." It is unclear to the audience if either of them have ever seen Godot or even talked to him.

"Pozzo: Who is Godot?

...Vladimir: Oh he's a... he's a kind of acquaintance.

Estragon: Nothing of the kind, we hardly know him.

Vladimir: True...we don't know him very well...but all the same...

Estragon: Personally I wouldn't even know him if I saw him" (Beckett 16).

It is made clear to the audience through conversation like this that neither Vladimir nor Estragon has any evidence that Godot even exists; yet they spend their time waiting for him to come. They simply believe in him without proof. They have faith that he is real and that faith gives them hope. It gives them comfort. Relate Godot to God and the same is true. No living person has ever seen God or has evidence that he even exists. But despite these uncertainties, masses of people believe in him and dedicate their lives to following him. There is nothing wrong with people needing to believe in something or someone else. For many people, God fulfills that necessity.

Vladimir and Estragon live their lives around the anticipation they feel for Godot's arrival. Their strong eagerness to meet Godot creates the basis of their decision-making in life. Vladimir and Estragon are determined to meet Godot. They will not leave even when they become anxious to do something else. Godot gives them purpose. Without their belief in Godot, their every day actions would have no meaning because they would lead to nothing. Because they are waiting for Godot, they have motivation behind each thing they do. Vladimir and Estragon are united by their belief in Godot, thus they stay together to wait for him.

Just as Estragon and Vladimir are united by their belief in Godot, people are united by their belief in God.

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