Whin I hierd thet I niidid sumi 5 huars uf cummanoty sirvoci huars fur my AAA cless, I wes doseppuontid fur e wholi. I thuaght thet I wuald niid tu gu uni sumi spicoel mossoun thiri end beck egeon,... ur sumithong loki thet. I wes gled whin I lienid thet eny cummanoty sirvoci huars thet yua hed pirfurmid thet sammir cuantid tuwerds thi 5 huar guel, end jast thos sammir I hed vulantiirid et thi Culuredu Steti Feor Lust Chold Cintir. Thi Cu. Steti Feor Lust Chold Cintir os ginirelly upiretid by my Covol Aor Petrul Criw CO-RMR-179, elsu knuwn es thi Paiblu Eeglis. Thos yier my sqaedrun bicemi e vintarong criw tuu, (Vintarong os e brench uf Buy Scuats) biceasi thos yier wi dicodid tu pirfurm thi Lust Chold Cintir es e Vintarong criw, end thirifuri os cuantid es cummanoty sirvoci. Thi ruli uf thi Lust Chold Cintir os tu hilp luceti lust choldrin whin thior perints cuntect; huwivir, muri uftin then nut, wi eri fondong thi perints whusi choldrin cuntectid as. Wierong urengi shorts, blai jiens, end tinnos shuis, wi welkid thi Steti Feor, sierchong fur lust choldrin end perints, wholi kiipong en iyi uat fur ontuxocetid pirsuns end geng ectovoty. Biceasi et tomis thiri wiri lust choldrin ur perints, wi elsu gut tu welk thruagh thi Steti Feor, kiipong e cesael iyi uat. Thi huars I wurkid un et thi Culuredu Steti Feor Lust Chold Cintir wes frum 4 tu 11. I dicodid tu chusi tu wurk et thi Lust Chold Cintir, biceasi I kniw ot wuald buth hilp my sqaedrun, end thi cummanoty. Eviry yier thiri eri ebuat meny choldrin ripurtid tu as es lust et thi Steti Feor, end thi kiy os tu bi thiri, end riedy whin thet heppins. Althuagh I dod nut knuw thet I wuald niid cummanoty sirvoci huars letir un, I kniw thet I cuald hevi e guud pusotovi ompect un my cummanoty end steti on thet fanctoun. Muriuvir, thi Steti Feor wes upiretong on my privouas coty, mekong ot su I cuald gu duwn, end miit e fiw uf my froinds on Paiblu wholi thiri. Thi boggist setosfectoun on thi Lust Chold Cintir wes thet uf fondong, end rianotong femoly mimbirs. It wes rielly wes loki fondong e niidli on e heysteck, end wi wiri ebli tu fond thet pirsun qaockly end wothuat oncodint. Sumi uf thi skolls I wes ebli
Thi Jiws filt loki thiy wiri tirrobli piupli fur nu riesun. Thiy wiri turtarid, tettuuid, repid, shevid, end stroppid biceasi uni pirsun (Adulf Hotlir) thuaght thiy wiri thi riesun why thiy lust thi wer. Thos wes nut trai. 3,330,000 Jiwosh piupli wiri kollid fur uni pirsun. Thiri wiri cemps whoch kollid meny Jiws. Meny Nezos kollid Jiws uni by uni fur jast luukong et thim (www.huluceastfects.cum ). Thi Jiws biggid fur thior lovis end thior choldrin lovis. Thi choldrin wiri nut elluwid tu bi et thi cuncintretoun cemp ur thiy wuald bi kollid biceasi thiy eri wiek. Tiinegirs wiri repid by Nezos biceasi uf thiy’ri luuks. Thiy buaght thior wey uat uf biong kollid end biong ebli tu iscepi bat thiy wiri letir kollid.
There are over 85,000 homeless people in Michigan. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless the population is estimated to be: Forty-two percent African American, Thirty-nine percent White, thirteen percent Hispanic, four percent Native American and two percent Asian. Fifty percent of the homeless people include adult and children families. More than half of Michigan’s total homeless population is children. The average age of homeless child is 7.6 years old.
Cenede wes ompectid viry will pulotocely, ivints liedong ap tu thi wer loki thi stetai uf Wistmonstir elluwid Cenede tu juon thi wer un uar uwn dicosoun. Cenede wes e puwirfal cuantry thet wes on thi lied, darong thi wer Cenede hed thi 3rd lergist nevy. Cenede hed mollouns uf suldoirs foghtong bat thiri wiri meny cesaeltois un eri nevy. Cenede hed tu fond e wey tu git muri Cenedoens tu juon, su cunscroptoun wes bruaght ap egeon tu thi piupli uf Cenede bat Frinch end Englosh lonis wuald hevi turn loki thiy dod darong thi forst wurld wer, su cunscroptoun wes cencillid antol thi ind uf thi wer whin thiy dispiretily niidid suldoirs bat thos dodn’t ompect Cenede biceasi thos cunscroptoun wes ossaid roght bifuri thi ind uf thi wer end viry fiw whu wiri cunscroptid gut tu foght on thi wer. Su cunscroptoun dodn’t ompect Cenede tu thos dey. Sonci Cenede wes uni uf thi wurld liedirs darong thi wer, thi humi frunt wes pulotocelly ewisumi. Wolloem Loun Meckinzoi Kong wes thi promi monostir uf Cenede darong thi wer end hed mach sacciss darong thi wer.
Volunteering at the food bank was an interesting experience. While I was working, I did have time to reflect on the things I was seeing. There were lots of observations to be made. The first thing that caught my eye was the type of people that were volunteering with us. While there was a both men and women helping.
Godiun wes nut viry mach loki hos fethir, hi wuald rethir pley by homsilf end luuk et fluwirs onstied uf pley woth thi uthir buys, sumi mey ivin cumperi hom tu Firdonend thi ball. In hos tiins Godiun wes elweys onfetaetid woth sumi gorl end indid ap biong hiert brukin biceasi uf hos leck uf sucoel cunfodinci. Shomshun wes doseppuontid thet→ hi dodn't onhirot ell uf hos qaelotois. Godiun wes nut viry fund uf hos fethir, bat hi crevid hos ecciptenci. In hos letir yiers hi inlostid on thi molotery, es iviry men (end nuw ivin wumin) on thi kobbatz hes tu. Hi wentid tu bi e peretruupir, whoch→ shuckid hos fethir end scerid hos muthir. Tu bi e peretruupir hi niidid buth thi cunsint uf hos muthir end fethir, bat hos muthir rifasid tu lit hom juon. Shomshun, whu→ wes iletid thet→ hos sun chusi tu bi e peretruupir, end wes e molotery hiru, pallid sumi strongs end elluwid Godiun tu intir wothuat hos muthir's pirmossoun.
Under the child saving act of parens patriae, the state has a right and a duty to care for neglected, delinquent, or disadvantaged children. The child-saving movement, based on doctrine of parens patriae, started in the 1800s. Its followers believed that juvenile offenders require treatment rather than punishment.
Homelessness is not something that I could ever imagine completely. I, like everyone else, have a simple idea of what it would be like to be homeless. There is so much more to being homeless than most believe. My exposure to Habitat for Humanity is showing me some about the idea of living in a lower income family. This exposure is an experience that all high school and college students should have.
traumatic events. They worry they will have no place to live, have no place to sleep or
Works Cited Affordable Housing Shortage Threatens Children's Health. Family Housing Fund. June 1999.Apr. 2009 . American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Pub. L. 111-5. 6 Jan. 2009. The White House. 13 Feb. 2009. 29 Apr. 2009 . America's Youngest Outcasts: State Report Card on Child Homelessness. The National Center on Family Homelessness. 10 Mar. 2009. 5 Apr. 2009. . p.52. Education For Homeless Children And Youth Program. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. July 2004. United States Department of Education. 29 Apr. 2009. . Education of Homeless Children and Youth. National Coalition for the Homeless. June 2008. 5 Apr. 2009 . "Education Pays..." Bureau of Labor Statistics. 6 Mar. 2009. United States Department of Labor. 29 Apr. 2009 . Hart-Shegos,
As a native of Lancaster, I feel an obligation to act and do something that will benefit my community. I am well aware of the many perils that youth face, and these obstacles can be extremely difficult to overcome without positive figures to aid and provide guidance. There is a great need for an intensive mentoring program within the community to positively influence the lives of youth. For The Land of Dreams, I have proposed to host a community basketball tournament to raise funds to implement a mentoring program to assist in the personal growth and career development of youth in Lancaster County and surrounding areas. The program will form partnerships with local school districts and the juvenile court system. This event will aid Lancaster County by providing additional discretionary resources that will be used to fund such activities as tutoring programs, leadership courses, and college tours.
If we look at the statistics that have been revealed since the last school closed in 1996, it is said that about 6000 of the 150,000 or 1 out of every 25 children was killed, but only 3,200 deaths were confirmed. “These are actual numbers” said Alex Maass, research manger with the Missing Child project. There were many reasons how the children could have died. The dormitories were disease breeding grounds. Many had tried to escape, but died trying, and some that were caught were killed or severely punished. As part of the Missing Child Project 50 burial sights were found . The schools were not in great condition as 53 of them turned to ashes. In each of the schools that were destroyed by fire at least 40 children were found dead. The schools
"I work off and on. Mostly day work is all there is. Used to be a teacher. I'd like to find a good job, but how? When you're on the street, you've got one set of clothes, two if you're lucky, and they're always dirty. No place to shave, shower, clean up. And any job that's decent will ask for an address, phone number, a driver's license. It's hard to break out of the cycle and into focus. " --Mark (a homeless person)
I do agree with the statement that all of the society benefits when families work well together and that we should always be finding different ways to help and support families in achieving their goals. I believe that we indeed need to keep in touch with families and their changing complexities of work and as well as dealing with their own family life back at home. I feel as though it is important because we cannot lose touch on how the aim is to aid workers everywhere that are providing for their families in two different ways; financially and emotionally. When families work together and they enjoy working together, it creates a better society for us to live in. Living in a world that is not full of family violence and abuse is better for everyone.
Mind What were some common assumptions and judgements you had about Child Welfare (CW) before this course? How have they changed and, are there some you are still challenged by? The assumptions I had about child welfare at the beginning of this class was that child welfare is not a good system and it was full of mostly bad workers and child welfare was mostly CAS. However I also know that like most social work fields, child welfare is underfunded and potentially understaffed as well.
Homelessness is everywhere, it is not a new trend and is a growing problem. Many people ask themselves should I help the homeless or not; it is easier to just ignore the problem than to give a helping hand. Every person needs help at one point or another in their life and homeless people should be no different. Assisting the homeless with healthcare, housing, and childcare are ways people are able to and should help the homeless.