Viva Tonal Essay

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Viva Tonal: Engendering a Golden Age with the Bodies of Divas Aside from focusing on minority groups like homosexual subjects, Taiwanese documentary filmmakers have also been actively engaging themselves in the renewal of historical narration since the 1987 lifting of the martial law. Viva Tonal: The Dance Age (2003) by Jian Weisi and Guo Zhendi is by all means a quintessential example among this kind of “revisionist” rewriting. It betrays the simplistic official story, the confrontation between the colonizers and the colonized during Japanese occupation in Taiwan, thus reinterpreting the colonial period as a golden age that is imbued with the splendor of modernization in order to visualize the nearly forgotten Taiwanese cultural legacy …show more content…

In such context, the images of the pop divas’ bodies contribute to the shaping of a shared utopia that is intertwined with the collective euphoria originated from the progressiveness of modernization. When discussing Mainland Chinese cinema, female film stars and imagination of the modernity in the 1920s and 1930s, Katherine Hui-ling Chou argues that since modern lifestyles of female actresses were believed as the best incarnation of the film that was an emerging kind of media culture then, female film stars as “modern maidens” (modeng nülang 摩登女郎) thus became an important “logo” of the so-called “film industry.” In a word, female actresses had to represent the public image of “film” or modern urban culture in addition to their primary jobs: completing dramatic performance on screen. In the same way, pop divas in Viva Tonal also bear social functions through their body performance. The entertaining utopia they share with the masses is both a reservoir for the public desires and a mirror for the collective fantasies. Take Chunchun, a Taiwanese popular singer whose stories exists in the recollections of the interviewees (including the coeval singer Ai’ai and a couple of employees recruited by Columbia Records Company), as an example, pop divas are not only “artistic actors” in musical representation, but also “social actors” in social practice and cultural

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