Heavy Metal Essay

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This essay will explore the connections that can be drawn between classical music -such as baroque, and romantic eras- and the genre of heavy metal. The essay will hopefully show why heavy metal is more technically similar to works by classical composers than any other genre of music. It will also discuss three main aspects about heavy metal's relationship with social and political events, such as how classical music enjoys the recognition of high art status, where as heavy metal does not, yet a significant connection can be made; how heavy metal is regarded as musically illiterate, but studies suggest otherwise; and how both genres of music punctuate intense emotions through dramatic instrumentation.

When people hear heavy metal music, they instantly throw up connotations of anger, violence, and Satanism. It is these extreme, but not necessarily false, ideologies that widens the unthinkable gap between classical music and metal. But it is not just the sound of heavy metal music that can be compared to classical music, but the musicians behind it. Classical music was often written as a way of expressing the feelings of the composer, or evoking emotion from the listener, and an article on Vancouver Sun (2013) suggests that this is one of metal's primary functions, stating that “Both musical genres are characterized by visceral outbursts of virtuosity and histrionic emotion.” Of course, music did not just appear out of thin air, they were developed through influence. With regard to rock music, guitarists took influence from various classical techniques, and fuse them with their blues rhythms and scales to create something new (Walser, 1992) as the development of music has always been. For the classical and baroque eras,...

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...scourse to some extent in order to become as important as they are; if composers like Wagner had kept quiet and made music in the style of Bach for the rest of their lives, there would be no popular music. If the young boy in Twisted Sister's “I Wanna Rock” video (1984) had said to his father “I want to become a doctor” after being asked “What do you want to do with your life?!”, there would be no popular music. The rebellion of heavy metal was propelled by the tensions of patriarchy and capitalism, and made a statement that defined individuality. If metal was musically illiterate, then it wouldn't encapsulate the past as well as it has through bands like Deep Purple and Van Halen. Most importantly, heavy metal is a genre that provokes the most emotion from its listener and even the musician. You do not have to do research to discover this, you just have to listen.

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