Vision And Vision Essay

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Visions are truly a mystery to our world. Only certain people have the ability to have visions, it is often confused with dreams but visions are a whole different thing. It is full of wonders and unanswered questions and sometimes leaves a small trace of a magical presence. There are many mysteries to unravel and discoveries to analyze the meaning to. The adventure that the visions takes you on is yours, it has control of your mind and will take your mind into a wild roller coaster ride.

Visions are an astounding thing that is very difficult to understand the secrets behind them. There is a full history to it behind visions, many stories relating to it that happen in the world but also from the Bible. Visions actually do occur to some, but …show more content…

Dreams occur when the individual is completely drawn into sleep, but their mind is still in a waking state which pulls them into a dream ( While visions happen when they are fully awake, they all have a strong purpose unlike dreams that are normally random and queer. Dreams are a constant reoccurrence of a variety of images that could replay past events, connections to recent thoughts, people and so on ( God can use dreams to communicate and send messages to push the person to try to interpret and fully realize what it is about ( Although, it is also said that dreams can be sent by the Devil just like nightmares ( The Devil can be manipulative and let others believe in something that is false. For example, Eliphaz from the Bible had a dream where he was deceived by the Devil, as he was posing as God leading Eliphaz thinking it was him ( Visions on the other hand are all sent by God, holding lots of meaning, and for the individuals to commit and fulfill their …show more content…

Premonitions is the ability to foresee into the future, seeing shreds of future events while sleeping or awake ( They handle the emotional realm of the person, giving them guidance by forewarning before the event actually occurs ( It is not entirely a vision, it sends out a warning usually being strikingly obvious, about future catastrophic occurrences. Precognitions also is the ability to foresee into the future, but only happens during sleep unlike premonitions that happen during night and day ( It is associated with the emotional realm of the person like premonitions but, the warnings of the future event is more forcefully frequent and stronger ( The simple difference between the two is that one commonly happens during the day and the other at night ( Comparing the two, precognitions are more in depth and gives the person somewhat of an idea, indicating there is knowledge in the vision. Premonitions are a lot less extreme, it sends out one or more warnings to give the person insight about the future ( Premonitions and precognitions are proved to be different, but the adventures it takes people on is all the

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