Violence In The Film Gran Torino

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In the film “Gran Torino” violence and the use of revenge is needed to help protect those who can not do it themselves. Walt does not really want to help at first but will change with time as he knows his time is short. In the film Walt has to reconcile his guilt for his past experiences in war and life. Walt is trying to establish tranquility and safety in his neighborhood that is suffer from gang violence and is falling apart. He does this by his actions of eventually helping those in the neighborhood by building it up and getting revenge on those who have wronged the vulnerable in society. He is able to reach out to those in his community even though they are completely different than him and is able to promote the general welfare of the community. He is able to …show more content…

This respect is needed if he is able to help them from their troubles. Masculinity is shown by Walt and is needed to help things get done for the community. Walt takes the time to help Thao learn what it means to be a man as he gains in self-confidence. Walt uses Thao to help repair various things around the neighborhood. These qualities are something that is lacking in Thao’s family as their father is absent. Walt also helps Thao understand what the American dream is all about. For Thao and many other Americans, this is getting a decent job, car, and a girlfriend. Thao is able to achieve these things with the help from Walt. Walt is able to crossover the many barriers that are between him and his Asian neighbors and is able to help them out when they are in trouble. In the genre of war film’s, Walt is faced with a challenge he must overcome and he does this by fighting to his death to make things right and better for the next generation. The challenge he faces is the falling apart of American society and the growth of problems from violence by gangs. Walt has faced the problems and horrors of war and is willing to make up for

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