Violence In The Congo Research Paper

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Almost 5.5 million people killed. Many more millions forced out of their homes. Over 15,000 filed rapes per year. If these number are not yet concerning, then IDont say I must have forgotten to mention that all of this has happened in the Democratic Republic of the Congo over the past 20 years due to wars and violence that have plagued the country. Widespread violence has overtaken the country, because ofits rich natural resources. Basic human rights and liberties are taken away, and citizens are raped, abused, and even killed while the government has no power to protect them. Violence exists across the Democratic Republic of the Congo, because the government lacks the power to stop the violence and protect its citizens. This violence is due to Said due to agian the fact that the DRC is one of the richest countries, overflowing with natural resources; some of which, including coltan and tantalumexplain what this is are widely used in electronics. People and groups invade the Democratic Republic of the Congo to illegally mine their natural resources, that they can sell at high prices to the more technologically advanced world. Armed violence groups create violence choose another word and keep citizens out of the mines, giving miners undisturbed access, and in …show more content…

It was reported by the New York Times in 2011 that every minute, a women is being raped in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Furthermore, in 2006, approximately 27,000 sexual assaults or rapes were filed. All of this happened in one year alone, and only in one of the DRC’s 26 separate provinces. Even more so, the UN estimates that for every rape that gets reported, 20-30 more go unreported. In fact, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is now known as the rape capital of the world. All of the rape and sexual violence has stemmed from armed groups stirring up violence among

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