Violence Against Women In Modern Society

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In modern society, women have had to face multiple oppressions from society. A major part of their oppression was violence. Violence against women consist of many types, such as physical, mental, emotional or cultural, amongst others. These different types of violences cause many different difficulties within women, making it a main issue amongst modern women. However, physical violence is one of the most detrimental because it does not only affect the person being physically harmed, but also the young minds who witness it, specifically girls. Children are very susceptible to what they witness, making it more critical because it can shape their entire lives. If children are exposed to violence and other negativity so early on, …show more content…

Women who have witnessed domestic abuse may turn out to be too passive in their relationships with men, which can shape their mental state and affect other aspects of their lives such as careers. If women grew up where their mothers, or other women figures, were physically abused, they may have percepted them as weak or fearful of men. Women can grow to adapt to this persona being that it was what they associated women in their lives with. Women who have this mindset will allow men to do whatever they please to them. Whether these men decide to hit, disrespect, or degrade them in any other way, these women would allow it because that is what they are use to. As unfortunate as this may be, this can hurt themselves mentally (Edleson). When women accept abuse, whether it be physical or emotional or mental, it scars them for life. For example, if a women were to be pushed to the floor everytime she does something wrong, she will learn to be fearful of making mistakes. This can hurt not only women’s relationships but their friendships or careers as well. If women were not able to stand up for themselves, friends or employers can take advantage of them or disrespect them, resulting women being miserable in every aspect of their

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