Vet Tech Assistant Internship Essay

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I have always had a love for animals, it’s as if I can seek them out wherever I am. Through this love for animals, I have found a passion in providing them the help they deserve.Through my senior internship (a program which requires all Seniors complete 60 hours of internship at a career of their choice), I was fortunate enough to intern as a Vet Tech Assistant at the SPCA Medical Center in Lakeland, Florida. On my first day of my internship, I became acquainted with someone who would later become my mentor and very close friend. She taught me how to work with the animals in a medical setting, as well as filling out charts, place an I.V. and draw blood, and a myriad of other skills. Throughout the course of this internship, I found that I had grown a deep love for the work Vet Tech’s do everyday and understood that this was the career path I wanted to pursue. Soon after my obligations as an intern were over, I took on volunteer duties for the SPCA outside of my school assignment. I find joy everyday in caretaking these animals and ensuring their well being on all levels. In August, I soon began to volunteer with the big dogs as a animal care …show more content…

This internship taught me that I am capable of providing animals with medical and emotional assistance in ways that I had only previously dreamed of. My mentor, Maddison, actively taught me the proper ways to place an I.V., draw blood, and even when the appropriate time for euthanization is.When the internship ended, the head of the department Veronica had a job lined up for me when I turn eighteen. I created my senior internship presentation and promised myself I would help animals in the way that my heart follows this career. Fortunately, the head of the department in which I interned has a standing job offer for me as soon as I turn

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