Venus: The Characterities And Characteristics Of The Planet Venus

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The Planet Venus
The planet Venus is able to reach a max temperature of 870 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus is mainly known for its heat, as well as its unusual atmosphere. Venus’ atmosphere is denser than any other planet, even though it is commonly compared to the planet Earth because of their many shared characteristics. These characteristics include size, mass, density, composition, and gravity. There are many qualities of the famous planet Venus that help separate it from all of the other planets in the solar system.
One historical fact that Venus is known for is that it is the only planet in the solar system which is named after a woman, and still has meaning lodged behind its past. This woman was the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty, Aphrodite. Resources have proved that the reason Venus was named after Aphrodite was because of Venus’ inspiring luminosity, which was both a mystery and a beauty to the ancient Romans. Another interesting fact based on ancient beliefs is that Venus was known to be both the Morning and Evening Star. This was because the planet could be viewed at both dawn and dusk. On the other hand, the Maya in Central America believed that Venus represented the God of War and that it displayed beams of evil light rays symbolizing death and destruction. Due to religious differences, official recordings probably did not take place as soon as it was discovered in the sky. This was most likely held off until accurate information was found on the mysterious planet. Despite the positive and negative ideas, Venus is a very unique planet and deserves to shine as bright as it does to this day.
The main reason why Venus is commonly compared to the planet Earth is because of their similar sizes, masses, densities, composit...

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...dy, research has definitely changed my former opinion. Before, I believed that Mars would be the best planet to research on. This was because of how well known Mars was and is, which I thought would have been easier to find facts for my project. However, Mars was already taken before I was able to ask, and I chose to study the planet Venus instead. Surprisingly, my research on Venus turned out to be easier than I thought it would. There were a couple favorite facts that seemed to grasp my interest throughout my project and research. These included the ability of Venus to heat up to 870 degrees Fahrenheit, and that its clouds are composed of sulphuric acid (which means no form of life is ever able to take place there). Overall, this project about Venus helped me to realize how different each planet is from Earth and gave me a deeper interest in scientific discovery.

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