Vegetarian Lifestyle Essay

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Many people strive to be healthy. Following a vegetarian diet is healthy. Therefore, people should live a vegetarian lifestyle. The vegetarian lifestyle is quite easy to maintain if one starts by just cutting out red meats from the diet, and then progress into chicken, and finally fish. This is the easiest way to become vegetarian, as you are stopping step by step instead of all at once. A majority of vegetarian diets have several easy to prepare meals and are fairly easy to follow. Countless restaurants serve meatless dishes, and salads are almost always available. Vegetarians tend to be healthier than those who consume meat. This is due to the prevalent unnatural chemicals used in the processing of meats, which are very harmful to the human body. Meats already contain harmful amounts of cholesterol, and over-consumption of red meat can lead to early heart disease. The meat must maintain a safe temperature all throughout travel, and stay that way …show more content…

By not consuming animal protein, there is not a buildup of it in one’s body. An innumerable amount of doctors have proposed animal fats can clog up the arteries of one and cause early death and heart disease. “A major study showed that men in early ages of prostate cancer who switched to a vegan diet either stopped the progress of cancer or may have even reversed the illness.” (2)There are several means to remove these harmful cholesterols out of the body. Eating foods low in cholesterol can help the body move it out of the system. Eating foods high in fiber can help the passage of food throughout the body and help remove the meats. There have been several studies which link meat consumption to colon, kidney, breast, and prostate cancer. Vegetables and fruits help reduce the risk of cancer, and meats and other fatty foods increase risk. Plant foods are also low in fat and high in antioxidants and other anti-cancer

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