Veganism Research Paper

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As the general public has become more conscious of how their actions affect the environment, an increased number of people have switched their diets to reduce their impact. One of the most popular new practices relating to diet is Veganism, which involves completely abstaining from any animal product. In order to match consumer trends, Cottage Inn should add vegan options to their menu, along with an increased number of gluten-free choices.

It is a good step that the menu already has some vegetarian options. However, veganism has an important difference from vegetarianism when it comes to a pizza store: no cheese. Because vegans abstain from eating both meat and cheese, it might seem impossible to serve them a pizza. There is a ray of light however, in the form of vegan cheese. Vegan cheese is a cheese-like product that emulates the taste and texture while being made out of plant products. In the past years, there have been multiple companies that have stepped up to the plate to make vegan cheese, and the results are astonishing. One of my personal favorites is the Green Vie Vegan Gouda Flavour slices; I’m not vegan, but my cousin is and she made me eat it. It can melt just like cheese, and it actually tastes pretty much like gouda cheese. …show more content…

People with this condition might be wary of stepping into your restaurant because of the cheese inherently involved with pizza, but if the vegan cheese is advertised they may be more willing to come. This vegan cheese, because it doesn’t have any milk, also doesn’t contain any

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