Veganism And Animal Life

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If every person on Earth decided to follow a plant-based lifestyle, where no meat, honey, dairy, and every other animal-derived product was consumed and used, then the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere would be cut by almost 63% by 2050, our soil would stop being depleted of vital nutrient needed by humans, the 70% of water used for animal agriculture could be used to help Third World countries that need water, and the environment would flourish instead of perishing. With a plant-based diet, a person saves approximately 1,000 gallons of water, 45 pounds of grain, 30 square foot of forested land, 20 pounds of CO2, and one animal’s life a day. Even when people choose meatless Mondays or a very slow transition into a plant-based …show more content…

I went Vegan because of the ethics and moral values that highlights Veganism, and thus I became educated of the past and how it has changed to what it is right now, and about how the animal rights groups rose as time started to become more cruel. Before the late 1900’s crop rotation was used to fertilize land and grow agriculture, raise animals, and provide the essentials to families. However, as the population quickly soared and as new technological advancements facilitated the production of meat and crops, the demand and lack of compassion towards animals skyrocketed. Now, cows, pigs, chickens, and other animals are placed in cages, repetitively raped, abused, and mass breed. For this unnecessary production, nearly 70% of water, approximately 3.6 hectares of land, and about 56 billion farmed animals (excluding hunting and fishing) are killed per year. Moreover, as this influx of these needless actions begun, animal rights group first found in the United Kingdom in the early 1970s by a group of Oxford university post-graduate philosophy students ("Ethics: Animals." Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 2007). As industrialization continued to expand …show more content…

Going Vegan might seem as a hard step to take, however, not everyone that is currently Vegan started as one. The majority of people that consider themselves Vegans and plant-based initially went Vegetarian or Pescatarian. I first went Pescatarian because it was the hardest food to give up, then I went Vegetarian, and finally I went Vegan. Educating myself and finding the Vegan community in college is what encourage me and helped me continue a Vegan lifestyle. Being aware that animals are mistreated, abused, raped, and killed in the most brutal ways eased me into Veganisms, and knowing how important the environment is to me reinforced that Veganism was and is the right and only way to live. Humans need to be properly educated about a plant-based diet and the positive impact on the environment and health of excluding all animal products from their

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