Vapors By Biz Markie: Music Analysis

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I can not lie. I was absolutley blown away after I watch the clips of the Mills Brothers. I would have to say for that time period they defitanely was way to advance for there time period. The way the made music with there mouth had me at awe. I had to look at each videos several times because it sounded like real trumpets and harmonicas. The artist that came to my mind was Biz Markie. Growing up i would try to emulate biz Markie. What was special about Biz Markie is that he a lisp. The song i choose to discuss is his song “Vapors” from his hit album in 1988. It was a sample from James brown “Papa don’t take no mess” and it included Biz Markie Beat boxing instrumentals. The difference in technology was defiantly significant. The mills

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