Value Of Integrity

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The value I strongly believe in is integrity. My definition of integrity is simply doing the right thing all the time, even if you could do the wrong thing without repercussions. But as the dictionary states Integrity means firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values, or otherwise known as incorruptible. A man with integrity makes a good leader, with great pride. Someone with great integrity is never going to lower their pride in the self image of themselves. Without integrity you don't get respect, for you are someone who is going to lower yourself to someone else's level because they are not strong, and have no pride in themselves, no self esteem, and most importantly no integrity. Integrity is believing in yourself and not being too cocky. This is sometimes hard to do. A lot people feel that they need to show off everything they have done to make themselves feel better. In situations like this they are not lowering themselves, but lowering others by showing off what they have done or what they have. …show more content…

It is something you can bring out within everybody, but is something that you can lose very quickly if you choose the wrong path. When you lose your integrity you also lose the respect that goes along with it. To me having integrity means what kind of person you are. As a kid you either learn it or you don't, some kids are lucky and learn and others never get it. Integrity is, for example, in my life right now my dad is out of town and I have been left to take care of the livestock, but some things like the bucket feeding could just be skipped and nobody would notice, but it takes integrity to do the right thing even when nobody is looking. If somebody asks you to watch their brief case full of money and you you have the chance to take the money and run, but you don't, then you have good integrity. These are just examples of good

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