Utilization Management (UM)

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Utilization management (UM) is the evaluation of medical “necessity” or “appropriateness” of health care services and/or procedures dependent on evidence-based clinical documentation. In addition, UM analyzes the efficiency of use, for health care services and its facilities under the provisions of a specified health benefit plan (Stricker, n.d.).
In essence, utilization management is the collection, assessment and monitoring of all healthcare services provided to a patient, based on their individual clinical diagnoses: ensuring each patient receive the right services at the right time for the right duration.
Utilization Management Director
Role Overview
The utilization management (UM) director is considered an upper level management position …show more content…

Educational Requirements According both Career Builders and Indeed, most organizations require at minimum, a bachelor’s degree in nursing, health care administration, health information management or other health related field. However, most organizations prefer applicants to possess a master’s degree with either a case management certificate (CCM/CMC), Health Care Quality and Management (HCQM) certificate, Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) certificate. Additional, on average, most organizations prefer 7 + years UM experience, including 5+ years in management and 10+ years experience in their chosen health care field. However, I would like to note, an overwhelming majority of employment opportunities for UM directors required a minimum of 10 years nursing experience.
A utilization management director should have an extensive knowledge and understanding of current healthcare concepts, procedures and practices. The UM director should be considered as an expert resource and consultant; providing design, development, implementation, and continual monitoring of current medical policies and

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