Using Quota Sampling And Non Probability Sampling Method

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Conducting research is an important part of growing logical thinking in order to answer questions involving human interactions. Furthermore, offer an understanding of the dynamics of day-to-day life in the modern world. As a result, it is necessary to practice proper sampling methods to conduct effective researches. Therefore, when designing a study to measure public opinion regarding police use of force, using quota sampling would be the logical choice to use for this study. Referring back to class discussion, this non-probability sampling method, in particular, takes on people to divide them into groups in order to fill in quotas. One of the reasons why a researcher would choose quota sampling is that it allows that person to sample a smaller group that would add interest to their study such as race, sex, etc. The second reason is that this type of sampling is ideal if the study aims to investigate specifics such as traits or characteristics of a certain subgroup. Furthermore, the third reason is that researchers have the ability to control the number of participants in each quota. Considering those three reasons, quota sampling would be great with this study seeking to measure public opinion regarding police use of force. It would enhance this study by adding the different perspectives from adolescent and of age, males and females in the African-American and the Caucasian community. Overall, this non-probability sampling method would combine diversity and significance in this study. The study would be great at comparing potential different opinions and give insight to these communities’ experiences with police exercising their power in or against their favor.
As mentioned before, adolescent and of age, males and females subject...

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...on it should collected by those who do not have link to the study. Investigators choosing people who are complete familiar or against the topic would provide skew data.
In conclusion, when conducting research, a researcher needs to consider an effective sampling method and their potential sampling population. Research on a certain topic draws attention to exposing theories, exploring various issues, and building knowledge. Considering those important factors about research, regarding doing a study measuring public opinion about police use of force, utilizing quota sampling is the best choice. Quota sampling adds interest to a study, allows observation of relationships between different subgroups and control over the number of participants in each quota. In addition, simple random sampling, allows each individual to be chosen by chance and eliminate systematic bias.

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